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Blake could feel the frigidness of the January air blowing past him, sending chills down his spine. Maybe working in the garage wasn't the best idea during this season, but he needed to search for parts for his project.

And in hindsight, maybe wearing a bigger coat than just his grey leather jacket was a better idea, too. Oh well.

There he was standing over a long pull out table in his dad's garage, mumbling to himself as he meticulously worked in his own little world. A world no one could ever disrupt.

"Do you always talk to yourself when you're working on something?"

Well, not exactly no one.

Blake let out at a sheepish chuckle as he turned his head up to see his friend, Kate Monson, smirking at him through his phone.

"Heh, only when I'm really invested in my project," he replied, his hand scratching the back of his neck. He wasn't really used to having an audience when he worked, but he and Kate had been talking a lot more recently. Since that incident finally ended.

"Uh huh," she mocked, crossing her arms over her body. "And what exactly are you crafting so diligently?"

Blake turned up his nose. "It's a mind-warping machine created to brainwash those disobedient to the government. But since you already know too much, I'm gonna have to eliminate you." His lips lifted into a grin.

Kate playfully rolled her eyes on the phone. "Har har. But I have to say, it's good to see your tech talents don't stop at hacking."

He nonchalantly shrugged at her. "I guess. Stuff like this just feels natural to me. Liberating, even. It's just been a while since I've had time to because of... everything that happened." He paused between words, trying hard to not let his mind flashback to that incident.

The incident that made someone he used to have feelings for leave this world. The incident that caused a wall to slowly build between him and
his father. The incident that- once was entirely sorted out - made her leave town.

Blake had done his best to try and remain in contact with Lena since she'd left three months ago. He'd even told her father about her leaving, although he couldn't say where.

In the beginning months, he did text her every now and then to see how she'd been doing. But then, he stopped, thinking that he was being too much of a burden to her. She'd obviously wanted nothing to do with this town once she left it, so Blake didn't want to act as an anchor keeping her here.

He'd never admit it to Spencer or Yara, but after everything that went down with Andrew, Shawn, and 'The Multiple', Blake was feeling completely worn down. Who could blame him, though? It's not like solving a murder and stopping a group that's plan is to destroy a powerful dynasty wasn't exhausting both physically and mentally. But in comparison to Spencer's new position at the police station, and Yara's status being knocked down a peg, Blake's issues just seemed lame.

Luckily, he did feel like he could vent to at least one person.

Through the phone, Kate's eyes dejectedly shot to the floor. Her hands began to rub the sides of her arms. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Even with three months gone by, everything still feels... different."

Seeing Kate's expression look so disheartened made Blake feel guilty about even bringing it up. Sure he'd been affected by those events, but not nearly as bad as Kate.

Kate not only had been affected by the 'The Multiple', for a little bit of time, she was actually apart of it. It all started with her older brother, Caleb Monson, but when he was temporarily out of commission, Kate was obligated to take his place. She'd been forced to type cryptic messages and send them to Blake and his friends. Yet when the time came to finally take Andrew and 'The Multiple' down, Kate knew which side to stand on. She still had to pay dearly though.

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Spencer LeeWhere stories live. Discover now