She's a Murderer

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Juliana was leaning back on the sofa, her eyes scrunched up at hearing the yelling around her. She never liked it when people fought - it reminded her too much of her parents - that's a thought she didn't want to think through. This didn't sound any different - the male voice domineering; the female one pleading. She'd had enough of it.

"Okay- Okay that's enough!" she snapped, sitting up at once. This is why I don't do romance.

"Look - she's making it sound worse than it was!" Sergio argued, and Juliana looked like she couldn't care less. She took one look at her cousin, who looked so defeated it broke her heart a little.

She picked up her gun from the table that was in front and got up. She did not even try to listen to Sergio's pleading. Her mind was made up when her cousin Sara had explained to her what he did. She had no particular fondness to go and look for trouble, but this was family after all.

So much for family values.

"I've heard enough." Juliana offered as she casually waved the gun and walked right at Sergio, who looked quite pale.

"As far as I understand - you got my little cousin there drunk on Mezcal, clouded her judgement by telling her horrible things about her boyfriend, and then coerced her into sleeping with you. Is that right?" she reasoned out, her eyes glaring at Sergio's, her face hard.

"That's not how it started out -" he began, his throat going dry.

"No, but that's what happened."

Sergio gulped. He couldn't deny it, he figured he better beg for mercy now.

"I don't think you have to kill me for this!" he pleaded, his haughty voice had long lost its arrogance.

Juliana stared menacingly at Sergio for a minute in silence, watching his breathing become faster and doing his best to control his agitation. Slowly she shook her head.

"No, I'm not going to kill you. You know why?" she replied in a strong quiet tone, through gritted teeth. Sergio couldn't find his voice anymore, so he desperately shook his head.

"Because if it were me, I would have killed you before listening to your shitty explanation." Juliana finished, turning and walking towards Sara. Sergio heaved a sigh of relief.

"I think she should decide what's to be done, don't you agree?" Juliana shrugged, cocking the gun and handing it to her cousin, who looked quite nervous. Sergio stiffened up again, but not as scared as he was before.

"Now, don't be worried Sara", Juliana offered, walking back towards the sofa and not paying much attention.

"If you want - You can just shoot him in the leg-"

Before Juls could finish her sentence, a shot rang through the house. Sergio fell backwards almost instantly.

Juliana slowly turned to look at her cousin, who had a look of relief on her face.

"Did you just kill him?" Juls asked out loud in disbelief.

"That was the plan, right?" Sara asked back, falling back on the sofa behind her, looking more like her old cocky self.

Juls could not believe what just happened.



Juls widened her eyes at her cousin's calmness.

"I said we could deal with him!"

"And we did."

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