The girl's pretty kinky

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"Sorry I'm late!" Sara quipped, casually strolling into Val's office - Val and one of the newspaper's writers were already talking and discussing something - but Sara wasn't exactly the person who bothered with office etiquette.

"Here you go." she grinned, setting down a cup of coffee for Val. She then sat down in a corner of the room and slumped low into the chair, spread her legs and took out her phone to check on Juls. She was still intent on organizing things as much as she could for Juls – it wasn't like she was going to do anything significant at the Carvajal newspaper anyway. It took her a few seconds to realize that both Val and this other person were staring at her.

"What?" she asked, in her laid-back style.

"Umm - Ms. Carvajal doesn't drink coffee - she only drinks matcha." the other lady sassily quipped, eyebrow raised.

Sara stared back from her seat for a minute - expecting something else to happen. Sara didn't look very concerned, but seeing Val squirm a little from behind the desk - she sensed that she was supposed to do something about it. She sighed and got up and with a huff picked up the cup and went outside the room.

"Sorry about that - Ms. Carvajal." Sara bit out slowly, stomping out of the room in her normal roughish manner.

Val's employee turned to look at Val, as if surprised that she was absurd for tolerating this sort of behavior. Val shrugged it off with a forced laugh.

"So, you're saying the Carvajal girl somehow has the time to run a newspaper and a cartel?", Servando's right-hand man questioned in confusion.

Armenta shrugged his head at that, he didn't care for the details.

"She must be one of those high-power control freaks."

Later at the water cooler - Sara wasn't trying to listen in, but she couldn't help overhearing the conversation.

"Did you hear that 500 computers were donated to the Board of Education - by an anonymous donor? And isn't that a coincidence that computers were stolen from a container shipment recently? "

"That is a coincidence."

Sara was in the mood to show off, besides those were the computers she and Juls had stolen. The idea was to donate the computers all along, but it felt nice to show off a bit.

"Maybe the person who stole them realized that you can't sell things with traceable serial numbers on the black market." Sara suggested in her casual manner, still busy organizing Juls' next heist on the phone.

The two at the water-cooler, one was the same woman she saw at Val's office in the morning and her colleague - a squeaky guy looked at Sara with a look of mixed disgust and surprise.

"And YOU know how the black-market works." the squeaky guy scoffed, taking a sip from his coffee cup.

Sara shrugged in agreement, sensing the haughtiness of this guy. The guy rolled his eyes at her, and Sara realized that this nice cozy office was no different than the streets.

"You know - "she began, walking up to the guy and smirking.

"A pair of kidneys and a liver like yours would be worth quite a lot on the black market." she smoothly mentioned, not blinking and giving the guy a slight slap on the cheek. The squeaky guy had gone pale and was terrified, but he managed to keep his voice somehow.

"Are you threatening me?!" he squawked.

"Did you threaten one of my writers?" Val asked, exasperated - and it was only the first day. Sara was sitting slumped in Val's office, scowling but still composed.

"What is threatening?"

"Sara!" Val snapped and Sara knew she had to stop dicking around.

"I may have explained the working of the black market to one of your dumb writers." Sara began, and Val sighed, pushing her hair back from her forehead with her hands.

"He didn't believe I know how the black market works! Me! I'm one of the organizers of the black market!", Sara went on and Val looked at Sara in surprise.

"What? We have t-shirts and wrist bands!" Sara defended and Val widened her eyes, wondering why she had to listen to this.

"Sara - you can't go around threatening my writers -" Val began, tired but restless.

"Your writers are snooty assholes!" Sara argued back.

"Sara, Please!!" Val exclaimed, and Sara for the first time saw how stressed she was. Sara sat silently - looking at Val and breathed softly. Val was almost panting and was trying to compose herself. Sara took a moment, thinking for a while about how stressful things was be for Val - organizing and running a newspaper while dealing with writers who were all the time two steps away from figuring out who her girlfriend was all along, topped off with death threats from cartels she wrote about. She looked at Val and softly smiled.

"I'm sorry. It must be hard running a newspaper. And I'm sorry." Sara offered, understanding that working here would be a slightly more significant change than she previously considered.

Val looked at Sara and nodded, biting her lip. Sara smiled back, sincere and eager for the first time since the morning.

"Fresh start tomorrow boss." she grinned, and Val smiled weakly at that, hoping tomorrow would be better.

"So, if she's so powerful - how are we going to take her down?" Servando's aide questioned, and this was a plan he had been deeply thinking about for a long time.

"She's too heavily protected, typical selfish coward." Armenta explained, walking about the room. He was looking at all the intel his men had gathered on the Carvajal girl. He picked up a paper and squinted at it, considering the plan in his head.

"How was your first day?" Juls inquired, slowly walking around the jewelry store. Sara was surprised that Juls had recommended this meeting spot- perhaps they were going to hit the store next?

"A bit bumpy - you might want to make up for that with your girlfriend." Sara reported and Juls glared at her cousin and hit her on the upper arm.


"What did you do!?"

"She's alive! She's safe at the house now!" Sara protested, rubbing her arm.

"You better be nice to her." Juls intimidated her cousin and Sara nodded vigorously, still confused why they were at a jewelry store.

"Yeah yeah, you try working for two bosses though." Sara begrudgingly muttered, looking around the store.

"This our next hit?"

Juls turned to look at Sara in surprise.

'What?! No!" Juls frowned at her cousin but Sara was still confused.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Sara breathed out in a low voice, realizing what she was doing here.

"Don't you breathe a word of this to Val." Juls threatened and her cousin chuckled in reply.

"Mrs. Juliana Carvajal sounds better than El Caballero." she teased and elbowed Juls in the side. Juls laughed and playfully shoved Sara aside.

"It does." Juls nodded. She had been thinking a lot about herself and Val, and was growing tired of this hard life, and was planning on slowly getting out of the whole El Caballero business, but she didn't know how to do it exactly. At the moment, all she knew was that she was in love with Val, and whatever the future was - she knew Valentina was a part of it. And right now, she wanted the perfect ring for the love of her life.

"So, how do we get to the most dangerous woman in the city?" Armenta's man questioned, and Armenta smiled with his ugly teeth - staring at a picture of Valentina and Juliana which one of his men had snapped whilst spying on them.

"Best to get her where it hurts the most." Armenta spat out, squinting at Juliana in the picture.

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