Yennai Maatrum Kaadhale

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Juliana and Valentina were sitting in the back of a black Range Rover, Sara was riding shotgun and one of Jul's men was driving. There was another Range Rover with four more of Juls' henchmen tailing their car, and everyone was armed to the teeth -except Val.

"Where are we meeting Alacrán?" Juls questioned, tone intensely business like.

"South of the city - far from the crowds - but close enough for you to hide." Sara explained, pointing on her phone at an old building where Juls was supposed to stake out Alacrán. Juls was thinking more and more calmly - and having Val at her side helped.

"How many men are you taking?"

"Alacrán agreed on two. So, four." Sara mentioned, taking the phone the driver handed to her. He was the one who had contacted Alacrán and set up the meeting spot.


"I've got the Barrett all ready for you in the trunk, I've also got my Glock and Magnum." Sara ratted off - she and Juls had planned and attack of this scale for a long time.

"Can I have a gun?" Valentina asked, sitting up eagerly.

"NO!", Both Sara and Juls replied simultaneously to that and Valentina slumped back on the seat.

"Is that Alacrán?!" Sara exclaimed, looking at his WhatsApp picture.

"What?", Juliana drawled out in her quintessential fashion, surprised at her cousin.

"He looks hot! All the pictures on the TV make him look like a rogue - he looks good when he's smiling!" Sara gushed, and Juliana looked at Val with a worried but bemused look.



"Please don't flirt with El Alacrán." Juliana sincerely directed, and her cousin feigned exasperation in response.

"I'm not making any promises." Sara retorted and Juls knew this was just her cousin being her goofy self, and she looked at Val who was quite amused at everything. The two girls tried their best to not laugh, and then promptly burst out into laughter looking at each other. Sara looked back at the two so obviously in love and shook her head. Her phone rang - and seeing it was Lucho she quickly cut the call.

One crisis at a time.

Val tenderly offered her hand to Juls, who immediately took it and held it tight, fingers interlinked. Val stared at Juls with such love and longing that Juls couldn't stop smiling.

"Come on now, Romeo." Sara cut in as the car pulled over, breaking the little bubble that the two were blissfully lost in. Juls would have glared at her cousin, but there were other things to focus on.

Juls was instructing Val on how to get away, alternate plans if things went sideways while Val was struggling to get her leather jacket to fit over the bullet proof vest. Juls was quick to remove her own denim vest and she handed it to Val, who was about to refuse it.

"Val you have to wear something so Alacrán doesn't see it." she reasoned, and Val reluctantly took the jacket from her.

She slowly pulled the jacket over her arms; all the while looking at Juls with a longing gaze. She then took her own leather jacket and gave it to Juliana.

"Val - it's fine I don't need one."

"No - NO - you have to take it." Val argued, stubborn as ever.

"Val - " Juls breathed out, stopping to sigh.

"It'll keep you safe." Val pleaded and Juls didn't need to hear anymore.

Sara was busy getting all the guns ready and choosing her sidekicks when she caught sight of Val hugging Juls tight and resting her head on Juls' shoulder . It was an adorable sight and the two looked like a mixed-match pair - but she knew that Juliana and Valentina would probably spend the whole day comforting each other; and seeing as they were already late decided to hurry things on.

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