You Gonn' Get Some

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Sara was possibly the most excited for the evening. She was bouncing in her seat as she drove the huge SUV to the park - with Val in the passenger seat. Val had left work early and had certainly decked up for the evening - in a black gown with sequins on the border, with shiny heels and holding a very fashionable clutch - which held her phone and the ring. The two of them were silent but certainly excited as they neared the park. Val was to meet Juls there at 6 - and had gotten a bit delayed; she and Sara slammed the door as they got out of the car once they reached a place from which they couldn't drive anymore. They both walked a bit till they reached the bench where they had planned to meet, and sure enough as Juls had ensured there wasn't anyone there.

"Sara, I think maybe I can take it from here?" Val began, sensing that Sara had absolutely no intention of leaving them alone. Sara whipped her head at Val hearing that.

"WHAT?! NO! I'm the official videographer of this proposal" she began, almost betrayed that Val would suggest that she leave.

"Sara come on, you can take the video from a bit further, Val replied - and almost requested and Sara considered it before giving in.

"Ugh - fine. BUT I'll just be far enough so that I can still get a good video" she scowled, starting towards a nearby thicket of trees.


She turned back to see Val slightly nervous.

"She'll say yes, right?" Val asked, her face flushed with nervousness, knees almost shaking. Sara smiled warmly back.

"Val, if she doesn't say yes - I'll kill her myself." she joked, and Val smiled and shook her head at the small joke. Sara could see Val was probably going to burst with nerves - and she gave Val a tight hug. Val was grateful for the hug; she knew Juls was definitely going to say yes, but that didn't help her anxiety much.

"Good luck boss." Sara quipped, stepping back to give Val and Juls their privacy.

As Sara walked away from Val, she made sure that Val was within earshot. As she tried to sneak into the woods, a noise made her jerk. At that all the cuteness and fangirling about the proposal faded away and Sara was immediately cautious. She quickly realized the Juliana wasn't at the park - and the last she heard from Juls was that she was supposed to be there. She looked keenly at Valentina and noticed that someone was watching her from a vantage point. Someone who was not Juls. At that Sara knew she had to get Valentina out of there, she had to get her somewhere safe, and without arousing the suspicions of this mysterious watchdog.

Valentina was extremely surprised to see Sara sprint towards her, and was confused when she stopped next to her, jogging on the spot.

"Hey Macarena! Good to see you're hear for our daily evening jog." Sara yelled loudly, hoping that whoever was watching would hear them. Val however was utterly confused at Sara.

"Sara, what are you doing?"

"Well, we decided to jog from here, remember?" Sara yelled again, pulling various faces and silently pleading with Val to play along. Val was on guard at this point as well, and she tried her best to play along.

"Right - we decided. To jog." she replied, a bit hesitant, and slowly growing nervous- but for different reasons this time.

"Yes - let's go." Sara shouted almost and the two of them 'jogged' out of this secluded part of the park the best they could.

"Sara, what's going on." Val muttered under her breath.

"Something's not right. Juli should be here, unless she got cold feet - but even then, she would have called me." Sara replied between huffs of breath. Sara in her usual fashion - forgot her verbal filter when she was trying to mentally piece together things. Val 's eyes widened when she heard that, as she struggled to jog in her gussied-up attire.

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