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(How Michaela catches them)

Angie's p.o.v

"Sweet pea!" I squealed out in delight, as he crashed his less than clothed, freshly showered body down directly on top of me. He laughed as I squirmed underneath him, now soaking wet, and buried his face in my neck peppering it with kisses.

He brought his head back up to meet my eyes, and smiled gently, pushing stray hairs from my face as he leaned in to give me a kiss. I pulled him closer, forgetting that he was still wet, and buried my fingers in his damp hair, losing myself to him again. Just like I had done multiple times since yesterday.



"I came to tell you that... I think I'm in love with you."

My mind raced at his words as I slowly pulled my hands away.

"That's. Not possible. You barely know me! And in the time that you have known me, we've spent at least 90% of it fighting!"

"That doesn't matter, I can't think of any other explanation. I really think I love you..."

"How does it not matter? I don't even know your real name! Why would you think you're in love with a stranger?" I could not wrap my head around this.

"Because! Because when we fight, it makes my heart wrench like it's never done before. Because when you laugh or smile at me, I'm on a high that nothing can bring me down from. Because when we kiss, I lose myself in a way words can't explain. Because when we're together, I don't feel so empty inside. I nearly had a heart attack when I thought you were hurt the other night, I act even more irrationally then I did before, I can't ever get you out of my head! So tell me, if it's not love, what the hell is it?" Sweet pea was breathing heavily when he finished, and I think I had stopped breathing when he finished.

"I don't know... but, everything I've ever believed in tells me you can't truly be in love with me." His face scrunched when I said that, he was processing.

"How about a deal?" The look on his face said that all the puzzle pieces were coming together, and I think it scared me honestly.

"Okay... what deal?" I asked hesitantly.

"We get to know each other, we don't limit ourselves to friends only, since that doesn't seem to work for us, but we don't say we're a thing. We keep it on the down low. Nobody has to find out, but we still get to do what we want without judgement, and we get to know each other." The plan actually wasn't all that bad, and despite my best efforts, I couldn't find any cons in it that I wasn't willing to throw into the wind in exchange for the opportunity to be with him.

"Deal." I stuck my hand out, but he just pushed it away and slammed his lips to mine. If there's one thing I've learned about Sweet pea, it's that he's rarely gentle, and I doubt Sara was wrong when she said he probably wrecked me.

We were moving in sync, our bodies knew this dance, and that's when it hit me like a truck. His wondering hands brought me back to that night in the tent when they did the same thing. I gasped on his mouth, which sadly made him pull back abruptly.

"What? What's wrong? Are you okay? Am I moving too fast?" He spit out so many questions, so fast it took me a minute to comprehend what he was saying. I put my hands on each side of his face, and gave him a gentle peck.

"I remember." He just quirked an eyebrow at me not understanding. "I remember that night. It's still hazy, but feeling your hands on me awakened it." I'd never seen Sweet pea smile so brightly before.

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