Ch.13-The message

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(The necklace- A/N- isn't that amazing😍 lol)

Angie's p.o.v

I woke up on Fangs' couch in Sweet pea's vice like grip. I smiled at my sweet boy, and softly brushed the hair that had fallen in his face. I couldn't get over how amazing he was, I don't think I ever will.

Once I was done staring, I reached to grab my phone off the side table to check the time. Sigh, I should probably get moving so I can get back to Greendale. I carefully untangled my limbs from Sweets' and moved towards Fangs' room to get Sara up. With a hand covering my face, just in case, I stealthily walked into the room. When I was sure everything was covered, I shook Sara lightly being careful not to shake Fangs in the process.

"I don't wanna." Was all she mumbled before sighing and walking to the bathroom. I laughed quietly at her and moved to the kitchen to make breakfast for everybody. I had just cracked the eggs into the pan and seasoned them when two arms were wrapped around my waist and started swaying me back and forth lightly.

I leaned into the embrace as he started kissing my neck tenderly. I never wanted to leave this moment, and I could see us having a thousand more like it, except we'd be interrupted by little feet running down the hallway. I think Sweet pea was imagining something similar because he began to smile into my skin and hugged me closer.

"I have something for you." His lips tickled my neck as they moved while he talked.

"Oh yeah, what is it?" I turned slightly in his grasp to look at him. He smiled and walked to his jacket to retrieve a box. He handed it to me and took over making the food while I opened it. By the way he was constantly flicking his eyes towards me I could tell he was nervous.

I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips when I saw the beautiful necklace inside. It was perfect.

"Do you like it?" He asked cautiously.

"Sweet pea... I absolutely love it! It's beautiful! Will you put it on for me?" He swiftly nodded with a big grin on his face and carefully hooked it around my neck.

"I'm glad you like it. I knew I wanted to get you something, and I wanted it to be now since you'll be gone a lot for the next little while, but I couldn't find anything I thought was good enough for you. Then I was walking around one day and saw this shop where a lady did custom jewelry. I walked in and told her roughly what I wanted and she sketched that up and I knew at that moment it was perfect. I'm glad you thought so too."

He had put so much effort to make sure it was perfect... he's so amazing. His story brought tears to my eyes and I just launched myself into his arms.

"I love you so much, I can't even begin to find words for how amazing you are to me. I love you, I love you, I love you!" I kissed all over his face as I said this which made him laugh. He kissed me sweetly on the lips then set me on my feet so I could finish breakfast.

We continued to chat about random things until Fangs and Sara came into the kitchen. We ate our breakfast, talking amongst ourselves, having a good time. I didn't want to leave, and I could tell Sara felt the same when I looked at her with the 'we need to go' look.

Our slow halfhearted goodbyes took longer than they should have, but that's what happens when you don't want to leave. The ride to Greendale was quiet, neither of us having anything to talk about. We weren't in the mood to race, so it was actually pretty boring.

When we pulled up there were girls paired up to fight all over the place meaning we were probably a little late for Michaela's liking, but I just couldn't bring myself to care. I quickly told Sara where I was going before heading in the direction of the office.

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