Ch.10- The final steps

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Sweet pea's p.o.v (figured I'd do it since it's been a while)

It had been a little over a week since Angie and I had started our arrangement, and I don't think I've ever been this happy before. Angie is so amazing, everything she does just draws me in. We've had plenty of late nights getting to know each other, and I'd say we've actually gotten pretty far along. Our pillow talk was some of the deepest shit I've ever said to anyone, and she said she felt it was the same for her.

She wasn't with me right now, because Michaela wanted to keep her in Greendale for the day, something about a training process she has to go through periodically? I don't know I didn't read too much into it. The crazy part was though, I had no idea what to do without her here. I'd practically glued myself to her hip the last little while, and now that she's gone I'm bored as hell.

I was currently shooting pool at a bar in town waiting for Fangs to show up. I felt kinda bad because I could tell he knew something was going on, but I never offered him an explanation as to why I had been constantly ditching him lately.

"You look pretty lonely. Want some company?" I glanced up at Josie to see her scantily clad body resting on the edge of the table. A month ago, I would've taken her right then and there, and I think she knew that, but now it kinda disgusted me to be honest. Why had I ever gone for that?

"No thanks, Fangs should be here soon." I tried to be polite, since I was a dick and broke up with her over a text.

"What's her name?"

"What?" Her question had caught me off guard.

"What's her name? There's obviously someone else, who is it?" I didn't like the look in her eyes. I would fear for who I was dating, if she weren't the most kickass woman I'd ever met. Who am I kidding, she's the most kickass person in general I've ever met. I was scared of her not for her.

"It doesn't matter even if there was someone." I stated simply while shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, whoever this non person is, tell her I said she stole from me, and now I'm angry. So she better watch her back." With that she turned and stomped away like a petulant child. Like the privileged northside princess she is. I'm yet again again left wondering how I ever went for that. How I ever chose her over Angie, I was stupid apparently.

I had just finished my game when Fangs showed up. He gave me a quick nod before heading to the bar for a drink.

"What's up bud?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"Nothing much." His words sounded fake.

"Hey, what's wrong? You sound off."

"Nothing's wrong. I'm fine." He spoke in a cold tone that I don't think he's ever used with me. With a sigh I grabbed his arm, despite his protests, and dragged him outside.

"The truth." I spoke as I dropped him just outside the bar.

"Look, I'm not mad that you did it, I expected as much honestly, but I'm mad that you kept it from me." What was he talking about? Unless...

"How'd you find out?" If he knew, who else knew?

"Sara mentioned something about how annoyingly cute you two were when you were over there. Between that and how you guys haven't left each others sides, randomly disappear together, and how you basically send googly eyes at each other I figured it out."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I really am, but we had agreed to keep it on the down low until we were sure it's what we wanted." Fangs nodded in understanding which caused me to let out a sigh of relief.

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