Ch.17-The trials

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1 week ago

Angie's p.o.v

It had been hours since they came and took Sweet pea away. My mind whirled with the possibilities of what could come next. I could hear people outside my door, probably guards making sure I didn't leave the room. I looked around for something to do, but came up empty handed so I decided to sleep. A little rest couldn't hurt, right?


I was shaken awake roughly by a girl I didn't know and shoved out of the room. I felt like a prisoner instead of the soon to be Arch Angel. Were all trials like this? I shook my head of the thoughts when we came to a room I didn't recognize.

The girl shoved me in this room and I immediately felt a stab to my neck. I winced and turned to see who it was. A scowling Cassandra stepped out of the shadows.

"What did you just inject me with?" I snarled at her. She may be running the tests, but I still don't like her.

"It doesn't matter. What does matter is how you respond to it. How are you feeling?" This was spoken by Gabriella who came towards me from the other side of the room. I was losing my edge, I hadn't even noticed her.

"I feel like I got stabbed in the neck and injected with something against my will." She chuckled softly and nodded her head.

"The affects should hit any time now." I waited. What felt like forever later my head started to cloud. My legs began to shake and I fell to my knees. The air in the room seemed to grow thicker and I couldn't catch my breath. "Ah, there they are."

Cassandra knelt in front of me smirking at my weakened state.

"Not so tough now are you?"

"What did you do to me?" My stomach rolled and I began to break out in a sweat. I'm almost positive I was running a fever. What is happening to me?

"We've injected you with poison." Gabriella spoke as if it was no big deal.

"What!?" The room wouldn't stop spinning and my throat was closing up on me.

"All you have to do to get the antidote is answer these questions correctly." At this point there were at least six people in the room. Or maybe just six of Gabriella and Cassandra. My mind was so foggy I could barely make a coherent sentence, how was I supposed to answer questions?

Despite my concern I nodded my consent and they began shooting questions at me. I answered, but as soon as the words were done being spoken they left my mind.

"How long before the p-poison takes a-affect? I-I don't f-feel good." Cassandra hissed at me and grabbed me roughly from where I had collapsed on the ground.

"Do you give up? Is it too much for the princess to take?" Gabriella said something to her and I was dropped back on the ground. I was beginning to lose consciousness.

Just as the world slipped away I felt another sting in my neck and passed out.


When I awoke this time it was of my own accord. I took in my surroundings to see I was back in my room. How long had I been out? Did I pass the test? I couldn't really remember what happened, only that they injected me with something and... did I answer questions?

My mind continued to try to fill in the blanks, but it was to much. The stimulation made my stomach roll and I ran to the bathroom. There wasn't very much in my stomach so I mainly just dry heaved.

My mind wandered to Sweet pea while I sat against the tub, muscles aching and covered in a sheen of sweat. I wonder how he was. Was he worried about me? Was he pretending this wasn't happening and living his life? Had he moved on?

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