•Chapter forty-one•

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The day of the sound of wedding bells...


"How is he?" Jimin asked me. I shook my head and we all glanced at him. Taehyung sitting down on a chair... sometimes looking at Jungkook and his beloved Nayeon.


"He unfollowed you? Why? Oh baby! Don't cry! Come to momma." I said while stroking Taehyung's soft blonde locks. "Why can't I do anything right in my life... Everyone leaves me!" The blonde cried out.

"Hey," I raised my voice and grabbed Taehyung's bread-like cheeks. "Just because you were abandoned by your parents doesn't mean your real family is going to leave you. I'd never leave you." I told the younger kissing his forehead.

"Now go to sleep... bad dreams bad dreams go away... good dreams good dreams here to stay."

"Mom... you don't live in grey's anatomy."

"I know sweetheart but just go to sleep."

End of flashback...


"Favourite series... we know Hoseok..." Everyone sighed.

"Oh shit be quiet, he's coming."

"Hey guys! I'm so thrilled for you!" Taehyung said while hugging Jimin. "You look gorgeous!" He said while looking at Jimin's suit, dusting off the shoulders. "So does your new hair colour!" Jimin said. The youngest blushed a bit. "Thank you" the Blue haired said.


Taehyung POV

"Okay line up. Jimin your walking with your mother, Hoseok is walking with Jimin's dog- wait what? Oh well... Namjoon is walkinh with SeokJin and Taehyung is walking with Jungkook!" The wedding planner said.

Shit shit shit shit shit not with Jungkook. I can't I can't oh my god. I want go cry- WAIT NO TAEHYUNG DON'T STEAL THE THUNDER OF YOUR BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING! JUST DO IT.

"So... Hi Tae."

"Uhm hi uh Jungkook."

It was so awkward oh my god... But I can't deny how handsome he is... How about- fuck it I'm gonna take a quick glance. Okay now I can't take my eyes off of him. Fuck I'm staring. FUCK HE CAUGHT ME STARING. Oh we need to walk okay. Slowly... TAEHYUNG DON'T YOU DARE TRIP. Okay nicely... smooth asfuckkk. Okay there we are.

"Yoongi...after me"

"I Yoongi, take thee Jimin to be my lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and health and till death aparts us."

"I Yoongi, take thee Jimin to be my lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and health and till death aparts us.


"You may now kiss eachother"

And there they went... kissing the crap out of eachother. It was really cute. I looked at Jungkook who was staring at me while clapping at Jimin and Yoongi. I sighed and looked at the newly wedded couple infront of me.

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