•Chapter sixty-four•

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No one's POV

"Wait- He never told me when he was gonna pick me up for our date!"

Taehyung said while dropping his phone on the couch. 'Fuck' Taehyung thought. He ran to his closet and picked out some clothing. He picked out a black silk blouse with a little exposure to tease Jungkook, and some dark grey jeans.

The bell rings...

"I-I'm not ready, I'm scared- I"


Taehyung walked up to the door... and opened it. There he was, Jungkook holding a dozen of red roses in his left hand. The younger smiled as he saw his date infront of him. He handed over the flowers.

"Why Hello gorgeous"

The Bunny said. Taehyung blushed and covered his face with the roses.

"Hi handsome, I'm going to put these roses in a vase and I'll be right there with you."

The elder said while walking back into his apartment, filling a vase with water from the tap, and put the roses into the vase. Taehyung walked back and noticed Jungkook's clothing. Was Taehyung too dressed up? Since he saw Jungkook in some jeans a purple hoodie and his timberland he wears all the time.

"I know what you're thinking, but don't change... you look beautiful."

The younger pointed out while grabbing Tae's hand and walking to his black little car. They both stepped in and smiled a bit.

"I'm happy you asked me out."

The blue haired guy started talking. The younger smiled at his comment.

"I'm glad you said yes"

Jungkook said while driving but still holding the elder's hand... and he wasn't even planning on letting it go. Taehyung chuckled and felt something... He felt safe. It was different than from Bogum or all of his previous exes. He felt safe with Jungkook.

"Where are we going for our date?"

Taehyung asked with a bubbly tone, which made Jungkook smile.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

Jungkook said. The blue haired guy angrily loosened his hand from the younger's. The raven haired guy looked at Taehyung and smiled at how cute he looked while being angry.

"Come on, we're here already!"

Taehyung's date said while parking the car and opening the back of the car. Taehyung stepped out and went over to Jungkook, seeing he put on twinkle lights with a basket of fruit and some chips with salsa, and blankets.

"Sit down my love"

The younger said. Taehyung was speechless. He sat down, wrapped himself in a blanket and looked infront of him. He thought he was speechless before... but now after seeing this view... he couldn't say anything. The stars were out... and they could see the whole city from where the car was parked. Jungkook looked at Taehyung and saw the stars reflect in his eyes.

"This is amazing... Jungkook I-"

"You don't have to say anything... just listen to the music, eat and enjoy seeing the view infront of you."

Jungkook said whilst grabbing a mini radio and putting on some music. If Taehyung had to describe this date in one word... well he couldn't. Because it wasn't perfect... it was more than perfect. But at one point... he heard his favorite song being played.

"I love this song"

The blue haired guy said while closing his eyes and swinging to his favorite song, 'purple rain'. Then he felt his hands being grabbed by Jungkook. They stood up from the car and began to slow dance. Jungkook had his hand on Taehyungs waist, and Taehyung had his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. They looked in each others eyes and stopped dancing. There they were... slowly moving their faces towards eachother's. Until they're lips hit. Still listening to the song... when it began to rain... but they couldn't care less... because they felt safe.

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