Chapter 10

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"Can we please please please please watch a scary movie? The Shining isn't even technically a scary movie, it's a psychological thriller." I held out each 'please' and tried my best to give puppy eyes. He looked at me for a few seconds and he nodded. I jumped up a little and clapped my hands together before I grabbed the remote and pressed play.

I was thinking about moving toward him and sort of cuddling him, but not really. I was too scared he'd think I was weird and push me off so I decided against it.

Once the movie started getting tense he slowly moved closer to me and I just leaned my body over toward him. The tenser it got the closer he moved to me, I wanted to scare him to lighten the mood a little.I slowly reached my arm around enough to jab him lightly in the side. He jumped and swung his arms in front of himself, he almost hit me in the shoulder when he jumped.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He quickly turned and looked between my face and my shoulder.

"Yes, I'm fine. I promise, pinky promise." I was giggling and I held out my hand extending my pinky. He swiftly took it and pinky promised me.

"I'm sorry I scared you though, that was really mean."

"Don't be sorry, that was actually funny, other than me almost hitting you. I'm still sorry."

"Don't be sorry, you literally mentioned that it was my fault. I'm the one that scared you and you just had a natural response." He was quiet at first and then eventually caved and agreed with me. I leaned in and hugged him tight.

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