Chapter 14

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"I'm not sure, but I kinda need a shower. I don't want to smell like last night anymore." I glanced around looking for the bathroom.

"Oh of course, here stay here for a second. I'll grab a towel and show you the bathroom." He walked away and came back in a minute. "Here, come with me." He led me to a room right next to the one I slept in. I walked in and he handed me the towel.

The bathroom was a sleek black marble with white countertops. There were shelves with towels and colorful containers that still fit the room. The shower had a clear glass door. The floor was a black tile. It was cold on my feet as I stepped in the bathroom but I quickly got used to it.

He showed me how to use the shower and said all he had was soap and two in one shampoo/conditioner.

"Oh god you're such a guy, two in one? Really?" I joked at his expense.

"Yep. So good luck. You can keep wearing that hoodie if you want to too." He walked over to the shower and opened the door and motioned for me to come closer.

"This one is the hot water and you turn it this way," He turned it to the right and the water started to spray out. "This is the cold." He turned it on less and asked me to feel the temperature. He moved away and let me adjust it. He walked to the door and said.

"I'll let you take care of that. You can take as long as you need, I'll probably be relaxing on the couch or making food." He smiled and walked out locking the door. I walked over and tested it before walking back and making the shower hotter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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