Ok some things about me i guess?

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Ok so like the title this will be some things about me and not like personal information such as my name and stuff but things like age, date of birth, hair color, eye color things like that but here it is

First name:private information
Middle name: Jc Grace
Last name:private information
Nicknames:bug,ladybug,dork,crazy,(psycho from a random kid at school),others I will not list
Date of birth:2009 April 24
Age:10(edit 2020 Tuesday August 4th 9:05 AM~I am now 11........April is long gone...)
Skin color:(hopefully this doesn't come out as racist to some people because some kids at my school if you even say anything about like oh I have a black friend so please don't say that word your gonna get called racist) very pale white
Hair color:brunette (although for a better description my hair is very very dark brown almost black it's so dark /ok so here is the cycle in order of my hair colors like natural hair color and no hair dye one so first my hair was jet black and then it was blonde and then is was light brown with literally ONE blonde strand of hair then it was a medium brown and now it's almost black)
Eye color:blueish-green(I honestly don't know they hav been blue for most of my life but now they look at least to me more of a like idk a kinda maybe sad blue color so kinda gray but like also like maybe a yellowish green /kinda like a lilypad or whatever they are called or maybe moss/ but at the moment my irises are very much as thin as very folded piece of paper and they are gray color)
Height: about 5'1
Hair length: I would say about to my middle back area
(This one is random but I thought of it)scars(both permanent and temporary): i believe I have a scar on my knuckle(on my left hand happens to be on my middle finger also) don't have a clue how I got it probably from like my nails or something (I have had it for like 4 years). I have a scar on my left ankle from cutting it on a nail that was sticking out of some wooden thing I have had it for about 2 years. I had a temporary scar on my knee from a cut getting really REALLY bad infected and to this day I don't have an absolute clue as to what I cut it on or even what time of day it was when I cut it because I didn't even know I HAD cut it until my mom pointed it out and said it was infected and gosh it was painful getting it out but I had that scar for maybe a couple of months. I have a couple of scars on the inside of my mouth from where I would constantly chew on the inside of my mouth although after awhile I did actually realize that biting my lips until they bleed sometimes is somewhat better but uh I have like a little patch in the back of my mouth where I can feel the parts I bit away about 2 years ago and then I would also bite the sides of my mouth to where it is a long line that runs all the way to the corner of my mouth and I can actually feel it because kinda coming out a bit so I know where it is and I know it ends at the corner of my mouth because I chewed on that part so much that it left a small line that sticks out so much but then I also have most likely anyway a scar on both the inside and a little bit on the outside of my top lip I believe could be both bottom and top lip though idk where my teeth went through my lip (and that little thing that connects your lip and your gum yea on my top lip instead of it being in one piece it's split into two)
Siblings:15 yr old brother-alive, twin brother-deceased, 9 yr old brother-alive Edit June 9th 2020 Tuesday 4:49 pm I'm gonna have a new baby fucking brother next month 🙄 that I found out about from someone that wasn't my dad like a month ago
Twin brother: deceased-cancer, age-younger twin by a few months
(Oldest to youngest in order and these are the siblings I know I have and I only know my older brother in person but I have my dad to thank for all the siblings just no more please):older brother-15,me-10,twin-/probably 9 since he was younger by a few months/,younger brother-9,possibly my new step sister-7 Edit on the same day as the last edit on this I am gonna have a new baby fuckin brother next month...
Conditions:severe ADHD,insomnia, (I don't know if I for sure have this one but it is a big possibility) anger issues
My thoughts of life lol:I think life is a sick cruel joke full of endless pain and suffering
Grade:5th grade although since apparently we don't have anymore school this year so I guess I'll be off to 6th grade soon well that is if this virus is gone by that time(edit the same day as the other edit.....it's not gone...I don't want to leave my house......and as much as I want to lie and say I'm perfectly fine....which is what I will keep saying to everyone but....I'm not fine....but we won't talk about that because I'm PERFECTLY fine....)
Likes:music,humor,loyalty,cats,fights,drawing,animals,scaring people,plants,success,proving people wrong,glitter,shiny,metallic,tickling people,books,many other things
Dislikes:society,my family,romance,most all of humanity,ignorance,idiots,babies,children,school,threats,humiliation,public humiliation,the color pink,math,P.E,insects,spiders, being wrong,proven wrong by someone,my bus driver,my 'best friend',boy crazy,anyone who is boy crazy,being told what to do,K-pop,country music,being ignored,essays,everything to do with school except library and music class,ignorant overdramatic stupid things people pull out of their ass and say,people not laughing at things I do or say to make them laugh,entitled brats,brats,being short,people that will never shut up after being told to be quiet like 15 times,a lot of other things
(Have had in the past and stuff)pets:Great Dane Hera-deceased-poisoned by our neighbor when I was a baby,Siamese Cat Cally-status unknown likely deceased-had to get rid of her about 3 years ago,mixed breed puppy Celestine-very likely is deceased-had to give her to my uncle then she ran off and they didn't find her,(this one wasn't really a pet but a kitten we found at the Hardee's drive through in the bushes) gray tabby kitten no name-ran off so likely deceased because it was so underweight and stuff
Hobbies:reading,drawing,making people laugh,a lot of research on alot of things(yes I am dumb but I do research on things I have a passion for)
Short story: about a year ago me and my mama were in the drive through thing at hardees and she told me she heard a little cat and to be quiet so I could hear and so I did and it was a little kitten meowing in the bushes so I had like a heart attack and my mama told me to get out and try to find it so I went over to the bushes and this was at like late at night and the bushes were in front of the windows that the people inside and see outside of so that was embarrassing since they were looking at me like I was an insane person and I think the girl at the window actually was watching me too but I got down there at I saw it like hiding around in the bushes so I was crouched down talking to a kitten in a bush that was giving me a meow pow chat while I'm taking to it and trying to get it to come to me and I did that for about 15 minutes before my mom said if it's not going to go to you get back in the vehicle and I said no because i wasn't giving up on this little kitten just because I didn't smell like a cat anymore (yes when I was younger I might as well had been one with the cats because my mawmaw(grandma from Alabama dads mom) (had about like 9 cats and when I was down there I loved being around there because of the cats probably the reason I like cats so much and cats happen to be my favorite animal but down there I had seriously become the cat whisperer because I had successfully tamed the meanest cat she had the one that allowed nobody to touch it play with it feed it hold it or do anything with it because it would bite and scratch the crap out of you so bad but I went down there one day I saw the cat go in the bedroom so I followed it and it went under the bed so I got down on my hands and knees literally I was on my hands and needs trying to get him to come out from the bed for about 9 minutes and so I ended up playing with him for about an hour or something and that cat in that period of time my guardian and sidekick because I picked him up and he started like purring I walking into the room everyone else was in and they were so shocked and I believe one of them said like put him down he'll bite you and I'm just like no he won't and yea also probably why I'm like the mother of cats if I find a cat or a kitten I used to be able to basically mimic a kitten mewling I don't know if I still can I'll try later but yea) but and so after having the people inside actually stop eating their food stand up and start like looking at me like I'm insane and like pointing and stuff and I think one of them took a picture but I finally got the kitten out of the bush so I got it and like hugged it to my chest for dear life while it was clawing my shirt to hang on for dear life I walked back to the front seat in the truck and got in and yes I used to sit in the front seat of truck on the passenger side when we had a truck I did that for about 2 years idk why I think it was because I was tall enough to be thought of as older than 10 and I also had my seatbelt on and all that junk but I got in and got the seatbelt on while the kitten managed to escape from my legs and I think get on the dash of whatever it's called so I had to get them from there and put them in my lap again and we drove around for like 10 minutes maybe while I was still having a heart attack about it's cuteness and it actually like made my pelvis so my sweater and my leggings at the same time were it's new blanket not that I cared but it had like got all comfortable and stuff and it was just so adorable and it was petting it and stuff and it was chill so I had ignorantly put it down when I got out of the truck at the apartment and it ran off so I followed and we finally found it but it didn't want to come out even though we had tuna it didn't come and I could have climbed the fence but I wasn't allowed to because those are apartments that I don't even think our owned by our landlord but after that it came out after maybe an hour and got stuck somewhere else but we got it out and then it ran for the hills
Zodiac sign:Taurus ♉️
Hair:straight (but it's currently wavy since my mom braided my hair when I got out of the shower Wednesday and I took it out finally on Thursday and it's still wavy but not as noticeable or really at all but it's still a little wavy which is a GIANT SHOCK)

So this was really long and random but I guess if you want to you can actually make one of these because I would like to see what you beautiful people are like

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