Q&A sorta

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Ok so it's sort of a Q&A but it's questions that I came up with or old questions I might remember someone asking me and put it in here but here it is
Your favorite colors:(in order) green,purple,and black
Your least favorite color:PINK I just don't like it
Your Favorite animal: Cats (i mean cats as in all the cats wild cats big cats house cats etc)
Your worst fear is:INSECTS oh mah gawd I can't see one without having like a panic attack basically and I mean insects as in ALL OF THEM
(Might be a little weird)have you ever been underweight:yes I was almost put in a hospital because I was so underweight
Do I play video games:yes I have been playing video games since I was like 5 or 6 but what's funny is I have always liked to play video games that were a bit older I still like newer games and I like few of my newer ones as much as the older ones(like maybe 3 or something) i used to play a game that was like a year older than me I still have it but I can't play it until I get my ps3 set back up
Favorite subject:music probably
Least favorite subject:basically everything school related but I would say math
Do I like school:heck no
Do you want to be in band:sorta I wanna play the drums
What do you think is your biggest achievement:*intense thinking* uhm (10 minutes later) soo harddddd (15 minutes later) uhm I cant answer this honestly
Do you like to wear dresses:NoO pLeAsE nUu
How do you feel about marriage: I am against it also a gross concept to me nobody is smooching on me
How do you feel about kids:never mention such a thing again *goes and grabs very sharp rocks*
Which sibling is the oldest:my 15 year old brother
Which sibling is the youngest:Well all I know is it isn't me
Which twin is the oldest:well technically I would have been by a couple months
Would y'all have been identical:no we were different genders
Do you like horoscopes(zodiacs):yes I first got interested maybe a year ago
How do you feel about fortn- don't even say that word or you will summon a demon basically(me) because I hate it sooo much *internal demons one out to play*
Are you a girly girl or a tomboy:honestly I'm kinda in between
Would you go to Narnia:yes how is that a question *whispers:I will go to Narnia Lucy because I believe ya(isn't that her name I can't remember)
Dc or Marvel:Dc...foreva
Which Valeska twin do you like more(a question my mom asked me since I'm obsessed with the twins) JEREMIAHH
(2 Weird questions ahead) which Valeska would you and your twin act like:I would probably act like Jerome (i mean I kind of already act like both of them to be honest no joke) and he would probably be Jeremiah
Which Valeska do you and your brother act like:he honestly acts like Jerome and I act like Jeremiah (i mean I don't tell lies about him and he doesn't mutilate alley cats but that's how we act)
Are you flexible:OH HELL NAH I AINT FLEXIBLE!!!!
Now if you have any questions for me to answer when I see it I will answer them! But that was it so toodles(oof) bout to update again anyway

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