Chapter 7- Diner with Varsity

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You and Charlie woke up and went to the cafeteria then class. Your classes went by slowly because the Ducks weren't in your classes today. You went to lunch and sat with the Ducks then your brother and this team came up behind you. Your brother his arms around you to hug you and he smiled at Julie.

Riley: Hey Ducks so there's a tradition were Varsity treat Jr. Varsity to dinner wanna come

Cole: Okay look you don't like you guys except Y/n because I'm forced too but it's tradition and Eden Hall taught me a lot about tradition

Banks: Guys its cool

The Ducks said yes and you guys finished eating and went to your last classes then practice. Scooter was talking to Riley about they're plan wanting to protect you.

Scooter: Riley

Riley: Yeah Scooter

Scooter: When we leave can we take my sister with us I don't want her hating me and to protect her

Riley: Yeah of course I mean she is your baby sister after all and she's the teams baby sister too

Scooter: Okay Thanks Riley

Riley: No problem Scooter

The Ducks, you, and the varsity team were already and left for the restaurant. You had an amazing time and everyone was getting along. Then the varsity left to get something and Scooter called you help and Riley forced Banks to go. Scooter took you to his car and you were confused.

You: Scooter what's going on

Scooter: Get in the car I promise I'll explain

You, Scooter, Banks, and Riley got into Scooter's car and drove off and Scooter explained everything. You and Banks were not happy. When you got to the school you ran to your dorm and Banks ran after you. Banks told you that he's transferring back to the Jr. Varsity Team and you happy. You took a shower and you and Banks went to bed. The Ducks were pissed, they knew you had nothing to do with it and your brother was trying to protect you but they weren't so sure about Banks. Half of them thought he didn't know until it was too late while the others thought he knew all along.

To Be Continued

Charlie Conway Eden Hall AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now