Shiz University

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I walked in nervously and tucked my long black hair behind my ear. "I should be greatful," I think. "I got the opprotunity only for Nessa. Nessa." I know that. I wouldn't be here. I shouldn't be here. It is only for Nessa. I walk in and immediatly everyone stares at me. One person stands out. She looks like the kind of person who is not hated by anyone. She wears a stylish whit jacket and skirt. It matches her blonde curly hair with a white hat on it. I already hate her. Everyone keeps stareing and I grow furious. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!" I yell, "DO I HAVE SOMETHING IN MY TEETH? IS MY SHIRT UNTUCKED? YES, I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN GREEN! NO, I DID NOT EAT GRASS AS A CHILD!" Yes, I am green. My father comes in and he looks mad. I know he only put me here for Nessa, his favorite. You may think, "No, he doesn't have a favorite! You may feel that way but he doesn't have a favorite!" Yes, he does. After my mother had me, my father didn't want another green kid. He only fed my mother certain food when she was pregnant with Nessa, but she still was born with deformed legs. My mother died after. He has hated me ever since. My father gives Nessa these beautiful silver sparkling shoes. He waves at me then leaves. People keep staring and whispering. When the Headmistress, Maddam Morrible, comes in, the blonde girl starts bragging about how she gets her own room. I hate her so much. Maddam Morrible calms everyone down and starts calling everybodies room assignments. I know I am going to be with Nessa. Then she says that Nessa will be with her. What?!?! I was sopposed to be with Nessa!  The blonde girl says to Maddem that she was supposed to get her own room. "Galinda, everybody has a roomate." she says. So that is her name. Galinda. She immediatly turns around and talks to her friends. "What about this young lady?" Maddem Morrible says as she points to me. I blush. "Who will be roomates with her?" MM asks. Nobody answers. Galinda turns around and says, "I have to say something!" "Good!" MM says. Before I know it, Galinda is my roomate. 

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