Thank Goodness

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I found this too familiar. I was sitting down on the couch with a cup of cocoa watching the 2 year anniversary for my death. The only difference was that it was also the 1 year anniversary of Glinda's death. MM walked up on the podium and said, "This was supposed to be a day of celebration, but the Wicked Witch has ruined that by cursing our precious Glinda. She is dead. We will be visiting her grave later today. But we still must celebrate the witches death and Glinda's life. We will be meeting at the Oz-dust Ballroom. I hope to see everyone there. I tried to stand up but my pregnant belly got in the way. Fiyero walked in and helped me up. His curse had mostly been lifted but every once in a while you would find some straw here and there. "I want to go." "No." "Please!" "Not in your condition." he said as he gave my stomach a pat. I smiled and gave him a kiss. Glinda walked in the door. I looked at her and could tell that she had a successful date. Although she was supposed to be dead there was someone in the woods every once in a while. The day after she "died" she saw a boy and they have been dating ever since. She squealed then showed me her finger. It had a ring on it. She was getting married. I remember when Fiyero and I got married. It was short because there was nobody there, but it ws still so magical. She ran over to me and attempted to hug me. "When is the wedding?" "In a couple of days!" "That soon?" "Yeah! Nobody except you are coming anyway!" "Fiyero we have to go to the Emerald City to get her a dress!" "You never had a special dress." Fiyero argued. "So? This is different!" We kept arguing until he finally said yes. He was very careful on how we disquised ourselves before we left. Once we walked in memories came flooding in. I remembered the time when I took Glinda to meet the wizard. We look around and nobody is out. There are pictures of Glinda hanging up. Hopefully nobody will recognize us. We start walking then I feel as if we are being watched. I get that image out of my mind and keep on going. We keep on walking and browse the stores. We finally walk up to a store with dresses. They all look so elegant and there are a whole bunch of different kinds. Some have perals some have lace then we walk up to the perfect one. It is white and lookes like a princess dress. It looks so pretty on her as she tries it on. The skirt of the dress is just white and flowing with a little bit of flowered lace. The top of the dress has the same lacey pattern on in and then sleaves with just plain lace. We go and pay for it and as we walk out someone says, "You look familiar." In a discusted voice. I turn around and see a man made of tin. "Crap!" I think, "It's Boq!" He was Nessa's true love. She accidentally cast a spell on him that killed him. All I could do to save him was turn him into tin. "You look like, the Witch!"

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