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We stood there in silence. Boq had just accused Elphie of being, herself. We looked at eachother and then a thought came to my mind. "Well, she is pregnant, so that obviously means that she has a husband. Why would anyone marry the Witch?" Eliphe smiled, but she nudged me with her elbow. "And the Witch is in fact, dead." She added. Boq eyed us suspisiosly and mouthed, "I know it is you Elphaba." She moved some cloth that revieled The Grimmere. I smirked at the face Boq made as he moved his tin body backwards. I mouthed, "Oh no you don't! You are coming back with us." I grinned and grabbed his arm, paid for the wedding dress and got out of there! When we got back, Boq was furious! He said, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT! WHY AM I HERE?!?" I responded, "You know too much. We can't let you spill the beans." He just glared. Elphie broke in the silence, "Welcome to my home!" Boq looked over and his mouth dropped. We went inside and set out the dress. It was so beautiful!! I smiled and Elphie looked at me and said, "Now it is my turn to make you popular." We both cracked up as we remembered the time I attempted to make her something she was not. I put on my dress and she curled my hair and loaned me some make-up. I looked at my reflection and I did not recognize the person in there. I smiled and then looked over at her and just hugged her. 

(the pic is Glinda's wedding dress)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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