Chapter - 3

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"Stop I said I'll drop you" I said in my alpha voice. He didn't say anything getting scared.

Recap End

Taehyung POV

I got scared after hearing his alpha voice. Now I don't have any choice because I don't want to upset him well I would love to go with him after all he is my mate.

"O-okay!" I said stuttering

Jungkook said something to his hyung, Jimin. I started walking home followed by Jungkook. We were walking in silence. I wanted to ask him about the kiss. Does he know I'm his MATE? Or he jus-

 Does he know I'm his MATE? Or he jus-

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"Ahemm......I know you have some questions in your mind about what I did to you I mean that kiss." Said jungkook interrupting my thought not making eye contact.

"I know you're my MATE."said jungkook

"WHAT?"I said

"Yeah.. actually DUKE told me that you're my mate."

"DUKE?" I questioned

"Duke is my wolf. Actually he was the one who kissed you. He can feel that we are mates. But I can't smell your scent. Can you tell me what you are actually?"

I felt nervous about his questions because I'm an omega...weak omega. What if he will not like me or hate or not accept me. What will I do? I already like him.

"Taehyung" he interrupted my thought

"Umm...actually I-im an o-"

"You're an omega right?

My eyes widen at his comment. How does he know. Can he smell me but he said he cant smell my scent then how. I started panicking. I was looking down avoiding his gaze. I was embarrassed. My eyes started filling with tears.

"Hey... look at me" he said lifting my chin making eye contact with him.

"Hey.. it's ok. There is nothing to be embarrassed. I respect you whatever you are. I will accept you for whoever you are. Now I get it why cant I smell you because you take pills to hide your smell right?" He said looking at me softly

I nodded my head.

"Its ok baby. I'll protect you from the world you don't have to hide your scent. You can come with me to my pack. You can live with me there. You'll be safe there. And there are my hyungs who will take care of you."

"But my m-mom. She will not allow. She is always concerned about me because she thinks that alphas are bad. They'll hurt me."

"Did I harm you Baby? Do I look bad to you?"

"No no you're nice alpha" I looked down blushing over his nickname

"Can I meet your mom? I will ask her to take you with me. I believe she will understand us."

"Umm... do you think mom will agree over this?"

"We both will ask her. And it is not safe place to live alone."

"Hmm... Okay let's go"

With that jungkook intertwined our hands and we both head to my home. I rang the bell. Within seconds my mom hurriedly open the door and hugged me without noticing jungkook.

"Tae where were you? I told you not leave the house. You know it is very dangerous for you to go outside. Why did you go outside without my permission? What if something bad happened to you"she said scolding me

" he is jungkook" I said bringing jungkook in front of her.

She looked at her and gasp. "Je-eon J-jungkook" she said shocked

"Hello....I'm jeon jungkook" said jungkook bowing her

"Please come in Alpha have a seat." We entered the house and sit on the couch

"Mom do you know him?" I asked looking her reaction

"Y-yeah ofcourse......he is the alpha leader of Blue moon pack. But how do you guys know each other?" She said looking at both of us.

"Um.... We are mates" said jungkook

"Whatttt?" Mom said looking shocked.

"Yes we are mates. And I want permission from you to take taehyung with me to my pack. Because I don't want my mate to live at such dangerous place. If you give us permission then-"

"Ofcourse yes! Why not? I'm so happy that you are my son's mate. Everyone would want to be your mate. My son is lucky that he got you as mate. I'm so happy"she said with tears of joy in her eyes.

"Thank you so much mam. Actually I'm the lucky one here because I got tae as my mate." Said jungkook making me blush at his statement

"So I'll come tomorrow to take Taehyung with me." He said while heading outside.

My mom nodded with a smile. I went outside with jungkook to say bye.

"I'll come tomorrow. Be ready. Okay" said jungkook

"Okay kookie. I'll wait for you." I smiled and jungkook too.

"Love you baby" He said giving me a peck before waving bye. Making me blush. I waved him too and headed inside home again.

I went to kitchen looking for mom. She was preparing food for us. I went to her and hugged her.

"Thank you mom"

"Its ok my son. I'm so happy for you. He is very nice guy. Actually he is the best guy."

"But mom how did you agree to send me in his pack?"

"Because the blue moon pack is the strongest pack in all the packs. That is the safest place to live. I know he will take care of you better. He is the man of his words. Now go get fresh I'll set the table."she said smiling

I hugged her one more time. And went to my room to get fresh. We did our dinner. After dinner I went to my room to sleep. It was hard to sleep as I was waiting for next day to meet my Alpha. Dogo was also very happy. We talked all night about jungkook. And while talking drifted off to sleep.

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