Because of him

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Mary's POV       

Zacky and I were coming back from our fourth date. He had brought me to a chick restaurant and I had so much fun with him during each of the date, he really treated me like a princess and he was acting like a real gentleman. It's been around 2 weeks that I was with them and we were now in Nevada.

Zacky bring me into the empty tour bus, every one was sleeping at the hotel, except for us. I took my high heels off as Zacky took his shoes off. I turn back to him, he grab me gently by the waist, bringing me closer to him. Our eyes drowning in each others before he started to speak, "You know Mary, I really like you" He whisper as I feel his hot breath on my lips, "I like you too Zacky, so much" I said just before he crash his lips on mine for the first time. His snakebites were cold on my lips, but our bodies were nowhere near cold. I put my hands behind his neck to deepen the kiss, our make out session grew eager with the time so I decided to take Zacky's jacket off. He understood the hint and he started the unzip my black silky dress making it drop to my ankles. I push it away with my foot, I was unbuttoning Zacky's withe shirt when he decided to just ripped it off, leaving him shirtless. He took a look at my body which was only covered with my underwear, "You are beautiful baby" He whisper huskily looking back into my eyes. I giggle before pulling him onto the floor that was covered with blankets, he crash his tender lips again on mine as I succeed to undid his belt. I push his pants down with my feet as Zacky lay on top of me. I wanted all of him, right now. "Make love to me already Zee" I half moan, half whisper to him. He pulled his head away from my neck that he was kissing and look at me with a smirk on his lips, "As you wish my love"  Zacky said before he undid my bra and throw it to nowhere. And the rest of the night went as wild as I could ever imagine, we screamed each others name, we moan like the craziest beast ever created on earth, sweat dripping from both of our forehead but the most important is that every time I would look into his eyes, I knew he did this because he loved me, not because I was a girl to hook up with. He wouldn't have put so much effort into four dates just for sex. I'm head over heels for Zacky as much as he is for me. 

1 week later

I woke up this morning feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach. I got of the bunk trying my best not to wake up my love one. I ran straight to the bathroom and shut the door behind me, I turn my head just in time to throw up in the toilet, what is wrong with me? I ask myself. I started to cry because I would prefer dying then throwing up, it's one of those things I hated. I wash my face and brush my teeth before I got out of the bathroom like nothing ever happened. I got in the living room and sat down beside Johnny who was the only one awake at this time, 11 pm. "Are you okay?" He ask me concern, with the time I grew a good friendship with Johnny, when I wasn't with Zacky I would be with Johnny. I would say he is my best friend, my big brother. "Yeah, I guess so" I answer him. Then my mind started to race on why was I sick like this, I didn't eat anything that would usually made me throw up and I didn't get drunk yesterday. So what would make someone throw up in the morning. Pregnancy? What?! Zacky and I did use protection when we had sex the first time! I'm almost sure. I started to try to remember the night a week ago, "No, no no no!" I whisper-yell to myself as my eyes started to water. I was sure that we had use protection for the other times we did it this week, but the first time? I wasn't sure at all and the idea  of breaking Zacky's career was terrifying me and beside I was only 20 years old! "What is it Mary?" Johnny ask putting a gentle hand on my shoulder, "Johnny, I need to get something, hum, just tell the guys I went to go get some food" I told Johnny as I went back to grab some jeans and a big A7X hoodie and sun glasses. I went back to the front and put my sneakers on, Johnny look at me with a confuse look, "Sorry Johnny" I told him before putting the sunglasses on and heading out of the bus with my wallet. I knew he hated when he wasn't aware of something. I told myself that he'll found out someday. 

I found the closest pharmacy, I enter in the store and found the alley with all the pregnancy test, there was thousands of them, some were too expensive and some were fucking cheap. I grab two different boxes that were at a reasonable price and pay at the cash register. After I walk to some random place and bought some food like I had told Johnny. As I walk back to the bus I couldn't stop asking myself, what would I do if I was really pregnant, should I tell Zacky? Should I leave him and invent some crappy excuses? Would he even want me if I told him? 

I push the thoughts away as I enter the bus with a bright smile on my face hiding all my nervousness. "Hey, thank you Mary" Brian told me taking the bag of food. I kiss Zacky on the lips lightly before I got into the bathroom. I got the pregnancy boxes out of my hoodie. I open the first box and did my thing. I waited like it was told and during that time I did the same thing for the second box of test. I prefer to be 100% sure that I was pregnant or not. I sat on the floor of the little bathroom and stare at both of the tests. After a good 15 minutes both of them had the same result, a little pink cross appeared on it. It was clear, I was pregnant, I had Zacky's baby in me. I started to cry silently in the bathroom, I didn't know if it was happy or sad tears. What should I fucking do?! I was happy that I was pregnant by someone I loved from the bottom of my heart but I didn't want to make Zacky's career difficult. 

It was a good half an hour that I was there when I decided to wash my face and got out of the bathroom like if everything was okay. I walk into the living room and saw that everyone was acting pretty awkwardly, I look around confuse and saw a girl that was kissing Zacky passionately. They finally broke their kiss and Zacky finally saw me, I just look at them in disgust and turn to my bunk to get my clothes. "Who is she?" The blond girl ask Zacky.  I put everything into a bag and I walk back into the living room, "I wish I never met you" I spat at Zacky with anger filling in my eyes. 

I got out of the bus, into the rain. How pathetic it was, when I met Zacky it was raining and now I'm running away from him, it's still raining. Now that we were in California, I just hope that I'll get a good future, for me and the baby I carried in me. I was walking on the highway again and the sky was getting darker. I look behind me and I saw a car that was following me, I just flip him off and I started to walk faster. "Mary stop! It's me!" I heard Johnny yell. I stop straight in my track and turn to see that no one else was with him in the car. I open the passenger door and enter. After a little silent Johnny speak up, "I'm sorry it had to end up this way" He told me, "It's not your fault Johnny, but did you know that he had a girlfriend?" I ask glaring at Johnny, "No I swear! I thought that he had breakup with her when he brought you on a date, I thought he was more intelligent than that!" Johnny answer defending himself. "But what did you went to get this morning?" He ask concern again, I took a deep breath, I was sure that if I told Johnny, he would never say it and that my secret would die with him. "Don't tell anyone please, I'm sorry that it ends up on you. I'm pregnant and Zacky doesn't know it and I don't want him to know" Johnny's jaw drop. He was speechless, "What are you going to do? You don't have a job or a house! I can't let you go without knowing if the story will end well" Johnny said worried, I smile sadly, "I don't know how it's going to end up Johnny, but I can't keep living like this, I'll be fine" I told him trying to convince myself at the same time, "Let me help you Mary, please!" Johnny said with pleading eyes, "But how?" I ask, "Well, my dad have a restaurant, you could work there until you find something better and I have a house and we'll still be on tour for a good two months" Johnny suggest, "Johnny, I can't accept living in your house!" I said but knowing plenty I needed his help. He look at me with sorry eyes, pleasing me to accept. I sigh, "Only until you finish your tour" He smile in victory and he started to drove off. "Now your going to take the train to Huntington Beach, it'll take you really long. And I'll give you my address and my double key so you can go in your new place. Meanwhile I'll call my dad so he can find you a job" Johnny told me happily as he kept his eyes on the road. 

He park his car in the parking lot of the train station. We got out of his car and he bought me ticket. he wrote his address on a piece of paper that I put in my jeans pocket. "Weren't you suppose to give a double of your keys?" I ask him confuse, "You'll see, it' under the carpet on my porch" He said, I started laughing, "Oh! You my gnome! I'm going to miss you Johnny" I told him looking directly in his eyes, since we were the same height. "Yeah, take care of both of you" He said looking at my still flat stomach. I laugh as my eyes started to water, knowing that my child will grow up without its father. "I know I'm his best friend too but that doesn't mean we have to stop being friends. I'll always be there what ever happens" Johnny said hugging me tightly as I try as hard as I could to hold back my tears. I pull away and kiss his cheek before turning away and not looking back.

I sat in the train. I couldn't hold it. I cried hard even thought I remain silent. A new adventure started without I even decided it and it was all because of him. 

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