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Zacky's POV

I was driving to Matt's house when I was thinking about Mary again. It's been two years since the day she left me. How ashamed I was and am still. I couldn't take that bad memory off my mind and I know that all of this was my fault. When I met Mary, I was coming back from my girlfriend's house, I wanted to broke up with her but I didn't want to broke her heart. Even thought it has been a long time since I didn't had feelings for her. When I met Mary, I was feeling single and she gave wings to my heart when she was around me, now she took my heart with her and I didn't had any girlfriend since Mary. Even the guys were surprised that I had done something so stupid. I didn't even understand myself and still now I can't. I tried to find Mary back but nothing. I didn't even know where she went. 

I wasn't paying attention to the road when I turn and I bump into a car. Not a big accident, just a clash in front of the car. I look at the person who was driving the other car. It was a woman with brown medium length hair, a bang was hanging above her beautiful eyes. Could it be her? I got out of the car almost running to her. She got out of the car and check something on the back seat it was a young child, she must be taken after all this time. She's so beautiful and gentle and I fucked up everything when she was mine. She got out of the car, I look and saw that it was a baby girl with black hair in the back seat, she looked calm. I look at the woman who I'm sure is the pearl that I've lost, "Mary?" I ask looking into her eyes. "I'll just get my car license and shit so I can fix my car" She said barely looking at me like if I was some kind of stranger. "Mary, it's me! Zacky" I told her, searching for answers in her beautiful eyes. But nothing, they seemed dead, no sparkle were shinning from her soul. So I just nod and got my car papers too. I came back to her and look once again in the car seeing that the little girl was observing every movement we made, "Is it, yours?" I ask Mary not looking away from the little one. She bite her lip before answering me, "Yes, her name is Lila" Mary said finally smiling. Something that made my heart melt. But her answer told me that she never could be mine again.  "Mary, I can pay for those" I told her trying to be nice. "No I'll be perfectly okay Zach" Mary said using my name in a more serious way, which she never did before. She sat back in her car, ready to leave again but I couldn't let her go this time. I tap on her car window and she open it, still not looking at me. "Mary, I think we need to talk" I told her on a pleading tone. I wanted her back so much that it hurts, it killed me when she left. "Everything as been said Zach" She said before pressing on the gas pedal and turning away from me again.

 "Damn it!" I yell in frustration in the middle of the street looking like a fucking crazy, but I am crazy! Crazy in love for Mary! 

I enter my car and drove to Matt's house, one of them could help me find where she lives. At least, now I know that she lives in Huntington Beach. 

I enter in Matt's house and went into the garage where everyone was. Brian saw me first, "What is it man? Seem like you've seen a ghost" He said with a smirk, but he didn't knew that he was so close to the reality. "I saw Mary" I told them, they all stop what they were doing and I told them the owl story. "And she had a young child in the back seat" I told them last remembering the cute face of the kid. "So you know?" Johnny ask me, "Know what?" I ask frowning at him, I was already so confuse, what did he knew that I don't know? We all look at Johnny and I could see that he just told us something that he wasn't supposed too. He took a deep breath, "First, she wanted it to be a secret and like you know I always keep promises but now it's too late. The day she left, I gave her a job and my house for the rest of the tour we had. I was there for her whenever she needed, she didn't want me to tell you Zach I'm so sorry bro. But the way you broke her heart man, I couldn't do anything else than be on her side" Johnny said, "How could you! You didn't saw me when I cried for her? You didn't hear me when I screamed out in pain for her? I was in pain as much as her!" I yell out angry. "But you left her alone with your child!" Johnny yell back, wide eyes at what he just let slip from his mouth. Lila was my kid? The black hair, the green eyes of Lila. "Where does she lives?" I ask Johnny, "The last address she gave me was this" He said handing me his phone with the address.

I ran out of Matt's house, hearing everyone following behind me. I thought of searching Mary before but never made the move, now was the right occasion.

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