Save Me

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Mary's POV

Seeing Zacky again made the owl pain in my heart come back again. I came back with Lila at the shitty apartment that I had with my boyfriend Steven. I'm sure he'll be mad because of the car accident that Zacky caused. I grab Lila's hand in mine as we climb up the stairs to reach the door, I took a deep breath and bend down to Lila's height. She is so young but so intelligent. "Baby, mommy is going to have a talk with Steven, you know what to do. What ever you hear, you don't get out of your hiding place okay?" I told her as I could feel myself shaking but not letting anything show to my daughter. She nod and give me a kiss on the cheek. I got back up and unlock the door. Lila ran strait into her room and close her door.

I close the door behind me and enter in the living room seeing Steven, drunk again. This one is going to hurt I'm sure, I told myself, "Hey baby! Finally home! You got money for me? I need more booze" He said after struggling to get out of his chair. "No I don't have money for that, I got an accident and I'll need money for that" I said preparing myself to what was coming next. The beer that Steven had in his hand fell to the floor and explode in million pieces. Before I could do anything his hands were gripping my throat with a fire burning in his evil eyes. I try to hit him but his body was press to mine, restraining me to do any moves. He punch me in the face once, twice, three times. My vision was starting to get dizzy and I knew that no scream could do any thing for me, so I remain silent.

When I thought that I would pass out I heard someone crash down the door. That's when I felt myself breath again and everything went black as my body hit the floor.

Zacky's POV

We arrived in front of some cheap apartment. How could I let her go this down? Damn I hate myself. We arrived at the door in hurry when I saw at the door that a man was fucking hitting her! I took no time and crash the fucking door down. I jump on the guy and I was join by Matt and Brian while I know that Johnny and Jimmy would take good care of Mary. 

When I had enough of this, now unconscious dude, I went to see if Mary was okay. Jimmy had her in his arm, he had a tears in his blue eyes, "He hurt her so bad and we weren't there to protect her" He said his voice was shaking. I look at Mary's neck seeing that she had blue marks around it along with a black eye. Fuck, I could I ever forgive myself for doing such thing? I touch Mary's cheek lightly when she open her eye painfully, I pull my hand back in fear. "Where is she?" She said already trying to get up, Jimmy pull her back to him, "Take it slowly Mary, you are seriously injure and we got everything in control" He said pulling her back into his arms. We heard laughing from the corridor and we saw Johnny coming back with Lila. Mary hide her face into Jimmy's chest, she didn't want Lila to see her like that. I grab the bandana that Matt had on his head and put it around Mary's neck. She smiled lightly and turn her face to Lila that she hugged tightly. 

This sight was so cute, it made me want to hug Mary even more. I needed her so much, without her life is so empty and almost not worth it. If I didn't had the guys I would of probably end it all. 

Mary's POV

 I woke up, and the first thing I see is Zacky. How much did I miss that as much as I hate him. The way he lied to me was unforgivable but I'm glad to have the rest of the guys and that I have Lila in my life. Even thought she wasn't suppose to arrive this fast, she is the joy of my life and I love my daughter. I had Lila in my arms all happy, than her smile faded when she looked to my black eye, "What is that mommy?" She ask pointing to my eye, I didn't know what to say but Brian speak for me, "It's a new make up that mommy tried and we can't touch it because it's fragile" He said on a convincing tone which I was thankful for. "Come to my place Mary, this place isn't right for both of you" Johnny suggest. "Johnny, I can't accept that, you did enough for me" I said declining his offer, "I can, I didn't do enough for you. So you can come to mine, it'll be a pleasure. I'm alone anyway, it'll make a little more life" Zacky suddenly spoke, he looked shy and still I knew that he wanted me to forgive him, it wasn't going to happen soon but it's a good first step. "Deal, baby pack your clothes and toys we are going somewhere else" I told Lila, she nod and took Johnny's and Jimmy's hand as they all went into her room, she was too young to do this kind of stuff alone. Meanwhile I got in my room and pack all my stuff while Matt, Brian and Zacky were speaking outside. 

I needed a new start, for me and my daughter. I know that I should tell Zacky that it's his daughter too but how? How do you tell someone this without having them freaking out? I didn't know if I could trust Zacky but if Johnny let me go there, it's because it was okay. I don't what will happen, all I know is that we're now safe with these guys. 

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