Chapter 12

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You let Paige lead the way to Karl's Workshop, since you've never really been there yourself. You where only in there a Few times when the First Season of the Show was still being Produced because you where Curious about how the Splits had been Made, but you stopped hanging out there when Karl Started to be a little.... Seductive of you. It was very Weird and extremely Creepy, but Luckily, Paige and Stevie had told him to leave you Alone/To Fuck off, so he stopped bothering you, but you where still a bit Scared to go back to it. Poppy was still holding your hand and Vice Versa. You knew that you guys where nearing the Workshop when the Lighting became a Bit Dim. You don't know why all the Lights stopped Shining so Brightly on tis side of the Studio, but you never asked anyone about it. You and your Group of Adults soon came to the door, Until Austin pushed everyone away and Rushed inside, where you Heard the Sound of him hitting something Mechanical.


Karl Yelled at the teen from inside of a Cage. You peered in and Saw Bingo laying on the Ground and your heart Instantly sank. Sure, These guys where Killing People left and Right but... You still loved them, if that made any sense. Paige walked in and started talking to Karl, while you and Poppy stayed Near Bingo, who you Realized was Missing an Arm. You lifted your Head away from Bingo's Body and Listened to what Paige and Karl where talking about. " Karl, How do we stop the Banana Splits?" Karl chuckled Darkly. " You can't." " Yes you can, there has to be a Way to stop them!" " The Show must go on!" Was Karl's answer that didn't really make sense to what Paige had said. " It's in their Programming." Karl laughed once more before Beth Launched herself at the Cage. " They took Our Kids." Beth told him. " Your Children will be safe. They're having a wonderful time!" Karl reassured Her, dragging out letters for a bit too long.

You and Poppy walked deeper into the Workshop, Poppy was Looking around with a bit of Wonder while you kept your eyes on Karl, who didn't seem to Notice you. He Probably didn't since he hasn't seen you in about Six Years since he never left his Workshop. You weren't even sure if he even leaves the Studio.

" Is that Music?" Austin asked, alerting everyone in the Room. Every one shut up and you could hear Very Faint Music coming from Somewhere. " It sounds like it's coming from down there." Paige said as everyone began to walk over to a Random part of the Room. You and Poppy stayed put while everyone else was Moving Karl's Toolbox and a big Porcelain Clown head from the Place they where talking about. They all peered in and you heard Austin ask "What's down there?" To which Karl responded with "The Show." Karl Started Mumbling things like the Crackhead he was, but you paid him no Mind.
Beth Grabbed a Wrench and Austin grabbed a Black Crowbar. " Let's Go." Getting the Hint, You and Poppy started looking around for little Weapons you could both Use while Paige went down without a Weapon. While you where Looking for a Weapon of your Own, Poppy had Grabbed a Hammer and was waiting for you, Until something Caught her eyes. " What's... This?" You heard her ask in that Timid voice of hers and you Looked up to see that she was talking to Karl. You grabbed a Screwdriver and a Random piece of Wire, Remembering what your Uncle Chucky had told you about how they where the most Underrated Weapons ever. He had told you that you Could Stab someone in the Eye with a Screwdriver and Kill them, and he also told you that you can Strangle someone with Wire or Shove a Peice of Wire up someones Nose and Force it out of their Eyes. Weird advice to give to Ten your old You, But you weren't Complaining now, where you?

You walked over to Poppy and Held her hand, both of her looking at Karl. " I was Building a Sister for my Boys." You where stunned by that. " A Fifth Banana Split?" You asked. Why hasn't anyone told you this? Although, Karl does tend to not Speak to anyone except for the Voices in his Head, so there was a Chance that he never told anyone. " Her name was Hootie." Karl said, and Poppy looked at Hooties Unfinished Mechanical Parts that where hanging out of a Bag.

".... we where gonna get married..." You hear Poppy Mutter and she let go of your hand, setting her Hammer down for a second. She lifted her Hands up and took Hooties Head Piece out of the Bag. " And then they Killed him.." Poppy spoke, looking down at Hooties Head before placing it on her Own head, wearing it as a Mask. You back up, a bit scared at Poppy's sudden Change, Clutching your Screwdriver and Wire Peice to your Body while Karl kept yelling at Poppy and asking her what she was Doing. Poppy ignored him and Took a Claw Peice from the Bag, Slipping it onto her Hand. Karl continued to yell at her, and thats when she grabbed her Hammer and Turned around.

It was Clear that the Mask was a bit Bigger than her Head, but no one really cares. Poppy started walking to the Cage Karl was in, Robotically, like she was Mimicking the other Splits. Poppy Smashed her Hammer down onto the Padlock, Making it Break as small Sparks emitted from it. Poppy walked into the Cage while Karl Whimpered in a Corner. You walked closer to where you where Behind Poppy and Watched what was Unfolding. " He's dead Because of you." Poppy said, her time Dripping in Poison as she Raised up her hand that had Hooties Sharp Claws on it before Bringing her hand down, slashing his Neck. Blood splattered everywhere and Poppy turned to you. She Slowly marched over to you, almost making you Piss your Pants because you had no clue what she was going to do to you, but you're bad Thoughts immediately got Vaporized when Poppy grabbed your Shoulders and Caught your lips in a Kiss.

It was Really Rough, but also kind of Gentle at the same time, and you found yourself really enjoying it. You where very aware of your Sexuality, and had even kissed a few Girls before this, but This kiss was just.... Wow.

Poppy pulled away from you and the Eyes of the Hootie Mask stared into yours. " Go down there and Help them, But when you come back, I'll be waiting here, and We'll Leave together." You couldn't believe what she was saying, he had just lost her Fiancé! " But, You just-" " Don't Question it, just go and Come back to me." You looked down at her. Did you really want to leave with Poppy? You hardly even knew her! Although, If things didn't work out you guys could still be... Friends? Acquaintances? You breathed in and Nodded. " Okay, I'll be back." You assured a shorter Female before going over to where the Others went and Climbed down the Ladder.

Lmao, that was supposed to be a Plot Twist for the FINAL chapter, but I guess I got too carried away while writing and I Completely forgotten about that.
Basically, it was supposed to be You and Poppy that Ran over Beths Ex and then it would've been revealed that you and Poppy had gotten together, but oh well this works too

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