Chapter 14

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Glen and Glenda sat in an Ambulance as some Doctors Checked them Over to see if anything was wrong them them. Nothing was wrong with them, Of Course, so they Quickly jumped out so Another Kid could get Checked up on. By now, The studio was Surrounded by Police, Paramedics, and the Worried Loved ones that where Bombarding their Kids with questions about what had happened inside of the Studio. The Twins looked around, Hands Intertwined and Glenda's Crowbar resting on her Shoulder as they Scanned the Crowd for their Parents. " I see them!" Glen shouted, Pointing over to a Blond, who was Nervously Chewing her Nails and looking over the Crowd, and another Ginger, Who was Smoking a Cigarette and also Looking over the Crowd.
The Twins started to Run over to their Parents, who instantly saw them. Chucky threw his Cigarette to the Ground and grinded it up with his Shoe(I hope I'm describing that right). Tiffany instantly bolted over and Threw her Arms around her Kids, Chucky just simply walked over and stood beside them. " Oh my Fuck, I was so Worried! We got a Call from the Police asking us about this place and I was Fuckin' Worried!" Tiffany told the Ginger Twins. " At least we're okay!" Glenda Spoke up, making Tiffany ruffle her hair. " Yeah, At least Y/n kept you all Safe for me.." " Where is that little Slut anyway?" Chucky asked. Tiffany snapped a Finger at her Husband for calling you a Slut. " Shut up, Asshole. And uh... Where is Y/n?" Glen and Glenda looked behind them, Suddenly realizing that you weren't there, and they turned back to their Parents. " I dont know." " Me Neither. She was right behind us when we walked out of here. Maybe she's being Interviewed by the Police or something."  The two spoke up before They saw Harley, who was now wearing a Pair of Dollar-store Fairy Wings, and Zoey approaching them.

Harley and Zoey stopped and waved at Chucky and Tiffany. " Hi, I'm Harley." " I'm Zoey." The two Introduced themselves. " We where wondering if we could get your Phone number so we could call Glen and Glenda." Tiffany and Chucky where taken aback by the Sudden presence of Harley and Zoey, but Tiffany stood up and walked to the Car for a Moment, leaving The Four Friends to talk for a bit. When Tiffany came back, she handed two slips of Paper over to Harley and Zoey. " Here you go, you two Sweethearts." " Thanks! We'll call Tomorrow, Okay?" " Sounds Great!" Glenda replied to Harley. Beth then Called for Harley and Zoey so they could all leave. Harley and Zoey turned around that started Walking away. " I LIKE YOUR WINGS!!" Glenda Suddenly yelled at Harley, who turned around to yell back. " THANKS, MY MOM GOT THEM FOR ME!!" Chucky snorted at this, resulting in Tiffany laughing too before she Elbowed him in the Shoulder.

" Okay then... You kids Hungry? I know you've haven't eaten all day." " Im actually not that Hungry, I just want to go home, Lay in the Bed, and listen to Africa by Toto." Glen snorted at Glenda's response as the Family Got into the Car. " Well... I don't Care, you're still getting a Happy Meal." " Okay." Glenda responded, Buckling her seatbelt. Everyone sat in the Car for a Minute waiting for everyone else to go, when her phone Dinged. " Who is it?" Chucky asked, lighting another Cigarette. Tiffany checked her phone to find that You had texted her. " It's Y/n!" " Really? What'd she say?" Tiffany read the Message you sent her and texted you back. " She said that she Ran into an Old Friend from Highschool who offered to Let her Stay with her for a While." Tiffany responded, sending her Message. She immediately got a Response and read it again. " She said that she'll come by and Pick her stuff up tomorrow." Tiffany said, Putting her phone back into the Cupholder. " Aw What? Y/n's not gonna live with us anymore?!" Glenda whined. " She'll still Visit! She said her Friend only lives a Few Blocks away in." Glenda gasped and clapped her hands, happy that you'll still Visit them.

" HEY! IM INJURED!" Mitch, Beths Ex that was never given any Book time, yelled to the Ambulances, who where leaving him behind, Limping after them. " Oh I don't Believe this!" He shouted in Frustration, before getting Ran the fuck over by the Banana Buggy.

You felt the Small car Bump a Little and you looked back, not really seeing anything. You didn't know what had Happened on account of you texting your Aunt. " Hey, Poppy, I think you Hit somethin' back there." You told your New Girlfriend, pointing behind you. Poppy shrugged a little. " Probably nothing, don't worry." You shrugged also and set your Phone Down. Behind the Banana Buggy that Poppy was Driving was a small Trailer with all Four of the Banana Splits piled up in it. It was Absolute Hell trying to get those Furry Sons of Bitches up the Ladder and through the small Trap-door in Karl's Workshop, but it was a kinda With it. Underneath them where a Bunch of things that Poppy took from out of the Workshop so you both could try to fix them. Sure, you two weren't Mechanics, But YouTube could Probably Help out. Poppy still had Hooties Mask and Claws on, but she had pushed up the Mask a bit so she could Drive.

" I'm Hungry." You Suddenly Blurted out. " We can't stop anywhere, our Clothes are Bloody." " We can just say that we've been to a Wedding and we got a bit Frisky with the Wine or something." You responded, making Poppy glance at you with a smile forming on her face, but she looked back at the Road. " Okay then, Smartie-Pants, what do you want?" You stayed silent for a Minute. " I haven't had Taco Bell for a While." " Okay, Taco Bell it is then." " Sweet." Was your only response before letting the back of your seat down a Bit, Flicking a Pair of Droopers Sunglasses from Amazon over your Eyes, and Folding an Arm behind your head.
You held out your other hand, resting your Elbow on the Middle Compartment. Poppy glanced at it before doing the same with hers, Resting her Elbow on the Middle Compartment and intertwined her Fingers with yours.

" Tra-la-la, La-la La-la."
" Tra-la-la, La-la La-la-laa."




Y'all want an Epilogue with what Happens with You, Poppy, and the Splits? 👀

I'll probably do it anyway, even if no one fucking asks.

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