Hope For Luna

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Jen: We're here.

Luna: W-whoa...

Luna looks around. It's the inside of Bessy's secret supermassive lab.

Jen: Beauty, isn't it?

Luna: Oh, yes...

Bessy: Ah, Luna!

Luna: Oh?

Bessy walks up to Luna.

Bessy: Glad you're here!

Luna: Hehe. You wanted to show me something?

Bessy: Yes. Follow me.

Bessy leads Luna through the supermassive lab.

Villager scientist 1: And... Test number one, begin!

Bob-omb: Mah main goal... Is to blow up. *Explodes like a mini nuke*

Villager scientist 2: SUCCESS!

Villager scientist 1: That one worked! Now, for the second Bob-omb...

Luna: What kind of experiments and tests do you do down here?

Bessy: ANY kind. New inventions enhanced weaponry, potions, you name it.

Luna: Wow... Francis would love this...

Bessy: I've offered him a chance to come work down here, but he refused.

Luna: He has his reasons.

Bessy: And I respect that.

Luna: What is it that you wanted to show me?

Bessy: In here.

Bessy takes Luna into the Potion Lab. Billions, possibly trillions of potions sit on tons of shelves throughout the massive room.

Luna: O_O

Bessy: This is where is we do all the potion experiments and tests. This is also where I created a cure for Witherzilla's curse.

Luna: ...Cure? :o

Bessy: It took a while to create but nothing went wrong! Here it is!

Bessy shows Luna a sparkling Potion of Healing.

Luna: A Potion of Healing.

Bessy: Oh, no. Something MUCH better.

Luna: Oh?

Bessy: Potion of Soul Cleansing!

Luna: Soul Cleansing?

Bessy: This can save those withered versions of Snow and Jane.

Luna: ...S-Snow... *Whimper*

Bessy: I know... I know... But she can be rescued.

Luna: I met that Withered Snow just yesterday...

Bessy: Say what?

Luna: *Flashback time*


Luna: *Sitting on the castle roof* ... *Sighs* Snow...

Luna looks out towards the horizon.

Luna: I'm so sorry this happened to you... I wish there was something I could do to save you...

???: Momma...

Luna: !

Luna turns around, seeing Withered Snow.

Luna: !!!

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