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G.O.E. Infinite: *Yells in rage*

The Jackal starts fighting WitherTurlandb.

WitherTurlandb: Grrr!

WitherTurlandb pins the Jackal down and stomps on his chest, also striking him with lightning.

G.O.E. Infinite: Ugh!

G.O.E. Infinite's arm turns into rock as he punches WitherTurlandb, sending him flying backwards.

WitherTurlandb: Oof!

As the two fight, everyone else is back at the castle with their rescued friends and family.

Luna/Snow: *Hugging each other tight*

Machito: Aww...

Snow: *Sniff*

Luna: Ssshhh... You're safe now...

Snow: *Whimpers*

Jane: Flame...

Flame: Jane...

Jane: I missed you...

Flame: I missed you too...

Flame and Jane hug each other and kiss each other.

Crystal: Awwwwww... :3

Jen: :')

Anna: Phew...

Jen: Big sis...

Jen and Jane hug their big sister. She smiles and hugs back. Their parents join in on the hug.

Machito: Cuz...

M96 Tari: Thank you for rescuing me...

Machito: *Nods*

Laura: Oof...

Jen: Laura...

Laura: ?

Jen hugs Laura tight.

Laura: *Hugs back tight* That was so scary...!

Jen: We're out now... We're safe...

Smesh: There's still one person who isn't safe...

Cristina: Turco...

Machito: We gotta save him...

Flame: And bring everybody back...

While they all talk about what to do next, Luna takes Snow aside.

Luna: Snow...

Snow: ?

Luna: There's someone you need to see.

Snow: ...?

Luna takes Snow into a different room.

Snow: Huh-

Presto: Snow...

Snow: !!!!!!!!!!!!

Luna: Him.


Snow runs to Presto and hugs him tight. Presto smiles and hugs back.

Snow: *Sniff*

Presto: Ssshhh... Don't cry, little one...

Snow: I'm so happy to see you again...!

Presto: Heh heh... Me too, Snow... Me too...

Flame: Luna! Snow! Presto! Get out here!

Snow: ?

Luna: Huh?

Witherzilla's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now