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Before continuing, read KodiakB 's Ask Tari, Clauds, and Aqua Anything Season 3 Questions 495-524. If you already did that, continue on.

Turlandb: *Eyes are red*

Witherzilla: Minions...

Withered Order: ?

Witherzilla: It's time for you all to meet our new allies.

Withered Snow: Oooooh!

Withered Jane: I wonder who it will be?

Withered Anna: Is it someone good?

Witherzilla: Three someones, actually.

Withered Jane: :o

Witherzilla: Here they are!

Three Withered people walk out from behind Turlandb. Withered Emerald, Withered Gold, and Withered M96 Tari.

Withered Jane/Withered Anna: Mother! Father!

Withered Snow: Tari!

Withered Jane and Anna hug their withered parents, as they hug back. Withered Snow hugs Withered M96 Tari as she hugs back.

Witherzilla: Heh heh! Welcome to the Withered Order, newbies!

Withered Gold: Hell yeah!

Withered Emerald: Glad to be here!

Withered M96 Tari: It's an honor!

Witherzilla: I plan on adding even more members into the Withered Order soon. I hope you look forward to it.

Withered Snow: Oh, yeah!

Withered Anna: Will we be all set after you recruit these members?

Witherzilla: Yes. Once they're here, I'll power you all up so you can fight the Multiversal "Heroes". The Multiverse will be balanced!

Withered Jane: Perfectly balanced...

Withered M96 Tari: As all things should be...

Witherzilla: Exactly! Get ready, Withered Order! This will begin soon!

Withered Order: YES!

With the heroes...

Infinite, Smesh, Cristina, Crystal, Flame, Luna, Raiko, and Machito all sit together in the living room.

Infinite: ...Brother is losing it...

Smesh: He's falling more and more under Witherzilla's control...

Cristina: There HAS to be a way we can rescue him from possession...

Crystal: But how? We can't harm Witherzilla without harming Turco...

Machito: That monster made him kill cuz...

Luna: I want Snow back... That's my number one wish right now...

Raiko: *Holds Luna's hand* Beautiful Luna... We WILL rescue Snow, and everyone else... Don't lose hope...

Luna: Alright...

Flame: *Laying down* ... *Sighs* Damn it...

Crystal: Big bro... You've been acting very depressed as of recently.

Flame: Yeah...

Crystal: Why?

Flame: ...

Infinite: ...I know why.

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