Withered Order

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Infinite: Fight the Withered Order! I'll help brother!

Heroes: Alright!

WitherTurlandb: Gonna actually try to rescue him? Well, by all means, go ahead and try!

Infinite flies at WitherTurlandb and starts to fight him. The other heroes fight the Withered Order.

Luna: Snow!

Withered Snow: Grrr!

Raiko: Snow, come on!

Withered Snow: I was allowed to be killed!

Luna: No, Snow!

Withered Snow: Shut up! You're not my mother!

Luna: 😥

Raiko: Snow...

Withered Snow starts slashing at Raiko and Luna.

Luna: Whoa!

Raiko: Eep!

Withered Snow: Die!

Luna: Snow, I can't hurt you!

Withered Snow: I said, die!

Raiko: We have to fight her...

Luna: Damn it...

Luna and Raiko start to fight Withered Snow. Withered Jane and Flame's fists collide.

Flame: Jane, snap out of it!

Withered Jane: Never, Flame! Master Witherzilla will balance the Multiverse!

Flame: Come on, you can't be serious!

Withered Jane: If you truly wanna stop Master Witherzilla, you have to get through me!

Flame: I really don't wanna fight you!

Withered Jane: Then this will be easy!

Withered Jane kicks Flame into a boulder.

Flame: Ugh!

Withered Jane: My flames will outburn yours!

Flame: *Stands back up* I guess there is no way else out of this.

Flame starts to fight Withered Jane. Smesh and Cristina block Withered Emerald's splash potions.

Smesh: Ugh!

Cristina: What the hell?!

Withered Emerald: I am a master of the potions!

Cristina: We're fighting a witch!

Smesh: What else should we have expected?

Withered Emerald: You will fall into Master Witherzilla's control!

Smesh: We would rather save you!

Cristina: Witherzilla will have nothing but dust and blood.

Withered Emerald: *Summons a Potion of Poison* I have blood to spare!

Smesh: We don't wanna hurt you! We wanna rescue you!

Withered Emerald: I don't need rescuing! I am in the perfect place!

Smesh and Cristina start fighting Withered Emerald.

Machito: *Blocks an arrow*

Withered Gold: You will fall into the Withered Order!

Machito: How the hell are you going so fast?!

Withered Gold: I am a Bowmaster! Master skilled in all things archery!

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