Banishing the Wither Effect

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The Multiversal Heroes jumps out of the other side of the portal and land on the ground.

G.O.E. Infinite: ...

Crystal: I think we made it...

Laura: Whoa... Dad's mind...

Smesh: Damn...

Cristina: What the hell happened...?

Jen: His mind is still just like it was last time I was in here...

The heroes look around Turlandb's mind and see nothing but a black void sky.

Machito: Shit...

Antasma: Vhere is that Titan?

Jane: Hmm...

G.O.E. Infinite teleports a distance away.

Turlandb: *Eyes red* ...

G.O.E. Infinite: ! Turco...!

Turlandb: ...

G.O.E. Infinite: Bro...

Turlandb: ...Go away...

G.O.E. Infinite: Brother... Come on... Help us...

Turlandb: ...And do what, put all your lives in danger...? ...Hell no... My family is dead...

G.O.E. Infinite: No... They're alive... We saved them...

Turlandb: ...You lie...

G.O.E. Infinite: No... I'm not... Brother, come on... We need you...

Turlandb: Fight without me... I'll only get in the way...

G.O.E. Infinite: Brother...

Back with the others...

???: ...You could not live with your own failure. Where did that take you?

Everyone: !

The group turns around, finding a normal sized Wither.

Witherzilla: ...Back to me.

Machiko: You monster...

Aeris: You took away friends and family...

Lucy: You murdered sextillions...

Splendid: Now... You DIE for it.

Witherzilla: ...So, you're still gonna fight me? I saw this coming.

Luna: This time, we defeat you and send you back to your prison!

Witherzilla: Heh heh heh...

M96 Tari: *Twirls her Cyber Blade* Did we say something funny?!

Witherzilla: Nah, I'm just not taking you seriously.

Snow: *Growls*

Luna: *Pets Snow*

Witherzilla: You actually brought the little child with you...?

Snow: Don't underestimate me, you monster! You made me and Momma go through so much pain!

Witherzilla: You'll be too scared to fight me once it begins.

Luna: Do you have a deathwish?

Witherzilla: Never have, never will.

Crystal: Let's defeat this damn Titan.

Heroes: YEAH!

Witherzilla: Very well. I will teach you all fear, then pain. Then... Well, at least the fear and pain will be over.

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