Chapter Four

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I get Emily home as quick as I can. We don't speak the entire way there. Emily is too busy choking down sobs as she's trying to look tough.

When I park the car in the driveway, I get out of the car and run over to Emily as quick as I can. She collapses into my arms, sobbing.

"Matt. Matt," she keeps repeating.

"I'm right here, Em," I assure her.

I advance towards the door, taking her with me as she says, "I know. It's..."

She stops mid-sentence and I focus on getting her inside. Once I unlock the door and we step inside, I close and lock the door behind us.

"Matt. Matt. Matt," she cries out again.

"Emily, what's wrong?"

Now that we're inside and don't have to walk, she buries her face in my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Emily, you're safe."

"I know, it's-" She stops mid-sentence once again.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, Matt," she explains.

I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Why are you apologizing?"

"I'm sorry about being such a bitch. I must tell you that I never had sex with Mike."

My eyes widen. "But-"

Emily cuts me off. "I never admitted to that accusation of yours. I just said that I was sorry. I wanted you to get me off the tower and saying sorry was way easier than objecting. You wouldn't have believed me. It's true that I was confused and it's true that I did some things I shouldn't have with him, but we never had sex. Mike loves Jess too much to cheat on her like that. And I love you too much to cheat on you like that. I know I messed up, but I was confused and it was before when I didn't realize yet that I... that I love you. I'm... I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me all this before, after all was said and done?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Because I knew you wouldn't believe me and I could tell that you didn't want to talk about that argument we had. You don't even believe me now, do you?"

"I-I..." I trail off, considering. I just don't know.

She backs away from me to a distance where she can grasp my hands and hold them in between us. "Matt, I swear to you that I am telling the truth. Please believe me. Matt, please."

I looked deep into her eyes. They were filled with sincerity. I don't think I've ever seen her like this. "I believe you," I say finally.

She hugs me tightly. "Thank you. Thank you."

I hug her back and smile. Eventually, she pulls away and takes my hand, pulling me to the kitchen. "Come on, hun," she tells me. "All I want right now is milk. And some cereal."

"You better not eat them in that order."

We laugh and I follow her into the kitchen.

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