Chapter Eleven

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Jess and I are talking, snuggling while rewatching her favorite movie. I'm just about to mess with her and argue, yet again, at the realisticness of the current scene when I get a call.

I fish my phone out of my pocket, seeing that it's Sam.

I apologize to Jess, pausing the movie and going into the other room.

I put the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Mike. Mike. I need you to answer something for me. Did you really see Josh die?"

"Woah. Woah. Slow down, Sam. You're not making any sense. Of course, I saw Josh die."

No, no, no.

"Mike, you don't understand. Did you really see him die?"

It takes all my strength not to yell into the phone. Why is she talking to me about this now?

"Sam. What. Are. You. Talking. About? I saw him die. Why are you asking?"

I saw him die. I saw him die. I saw him die.

"Because Josh called me."

I fumble with the phone. No.

"What!? That's not possible. Sam, it isn't him. Someone probably got his phone."

"But who has it? The lodge burned."

"I don't know, Sam. Maybe someone from the research team the Washington's sold the lodge to found it in the rubble?"

"Maybe..." her voice trails off. "Should I call them back?"

"No! Absolutely not! We have no idea who has that phone. It isn't a good idea. Here. Let me think about what to do and we'll circle back to this tomorrow... Please just don't try anything. Forget about it, for now, Sam. Please."


I hear Sam sigh on the other end. "Alright. But I'm going to silence my phone for the night in case whoever it is tries to call me back. I don't want creepy calls in the night. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

I hang up and walk back to Jess, the guilt crushing me so much I fear that my bones will break.

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