Chapter Sixteen

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Sam takes the stage and I grit my teeth, hoping she won't say something that will make me feel worse.

But I know that she will.

I just watch Sam stand there on the stage, her lip quivering and her body swaying side to side in an effort to rock herself.

Finally, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she opens her eyes again, she is the image of calmness.

"Joshua, Beth, Hannah. Three people, but all unique in their own way. They were people that many of us grew up knowing. And even if we didn't know them for many years, we couldn't help but love them. They had this thing about them, this energy. It was something that came with being a Washington. They weren't perfect, but no one is. I certainly am not perfect. But with Hannah, Beth, and Josh, I made some perfect memories. Ones that will always make me smile, even through the grief they might make me feel. I wanted to tell you guys a story. A story of a moment with Hannah, Beth, and Josh, but then I realized. There are too many. There are too many memories to pick from, some of them not so pleasant, but the others, perfect in every way. So instead of telling a story that would not do the original memory justice, I figured I should end on my final messages to each of them, what I wish I could tell them right now. So, if Beth were here, I'd tell her that she was always the bravest out of all of us, calling us out when we did wrong, and following Hannah the day they went missing. She had the biggest heart. If Hannah were here, I'd tell her that I'm sorry. That I'm sorry for not being able to stop the prank or warn her in time. I'd also tell her that I'm glad she's finally free from the restraints of this world. This earth wasn't ready for her. She was as beautiful as a butterfly. And now she's free to fly. And finally, Josh." Sam's eyes begin to water and her voice falters. "If Josh were here, I'd... I'd tell him that I'm sorry." Sam's crying now. "I'd tell him that I'm sorry for everything. I... I'm so sorry. And... and I'd also tell him that I forgive him. I... I've forgiven him for a long time. I know that he didn't mean to hurt anyone. He was just... he was just broken. And I should have done a better job of taking care of him. I'm sorry."

And with that, Sam runs off the stage and out of the sanctuary.

I turn to Jess. "I'll be right back."

Jess's eyes flick over from the doors Sam left out of to me. She nods.

With that, I rush out of the room, calling, "Sam!"

But she's gone.

I hear Hannah, Beth, and Josh's favorite song begin to play in the sanctuary and realize that they're on the final song. I don't have much time to find her and tell her.

"Sam!" I call again. Nothing.

It's only when the others flood out of the sanctuary for the reception when I finally catch Sam rejoining the crowd. But others have gotten to her first.

"Sam, are you okay?" Chris asks worriedly.

Sam nods. "Yeah. I'll be fine." She turns to Ashley, who is at Chris's left. "Ash, we should give the card now."

Ashley nods. "Good idea. We'll just have to get it from the coatroom. Hey guys!"

The others hear her call and we all group together. When I rejoin the others, I give Sam a worried look, but she avoids my gaze. Together, we all go to the coatroom to grab the card and then find Mr. and Mrs. Washington, handing them the card that we made together.

Mrs. Washington's eyes tear up yet again. "This is beautiful. Thank you. All of you."

Mrs. Washington gives Sam a hug as Mr. Washington gives one to Chris.

"Thank you for your beautiful speech, Sam," Mrs. Washington says. "I know you made them proud."

Sam smiles at her, grateful for that comment.

"Thank you as well, Chris," Mr. Washington tells him. "I know it would mean a lot to Josh that you did that for him."

Chris nods.

Then, Sam's phone begins to vibrate from inside her purse.

"Sam..." I begin, knowing who it probably is.

She just holds up a hand to silence me, turning her attention to Mr. and Mrs. Washington.

"Will you excuse me?" she asks.

Mr. and Mrs. Washington nod and Sam walks away, taking her phone out of her pocket and putting it up to her ear.



"Hello?" I ask once I've gotten to a room away from everyone else.

"Samantha. It's Dr. Hill."

"I know. What do you need?" I shift on my feet, uneasy.

He whispers, "Plans have changed. I need you to come back to the mountain, Samantha. It's about Joshua."

"Wait. What? What are you talking about?"

"I can't explain here. You have to come. As soon as possible."

My brow furrows. "No, you don't understand. I just gave my speech at his memorial service. It was my first step in letting him go. In letting all of them go. I was going to tell you that I don't want the phone. I can't go there. I was just on the road to recovery."
"Samantha. Please. You need to come back to Blackwood Mountain. For Joshua."

I sigh. "I still don't-"

I'm cut off by someone calling Dr. Hill in the distance on his line.

"I have to go. Come. Do not call me back."

"Wait. But_"

He hangs up.

"Dr. Hill!? I don't understand! Come back!"

It's no use. My breathing escalates. How could he just call at a time like this and ask me to go back to that wretched mountain? I was going to let them go. Now I have to go back for 'Joshua.' Why would Josh ever want me to go back there? I don't see how this is fulfilling any of his dying wishes.

Then, a newfound wave of determination hits me. I glance at the phone. My breathing slows. I know it will be hard, but I have to trust Dr. Hill.

I'm going back.

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