Chapter 8 - Creepy New Friends

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Note: Again, sorry for not updating both here and on Inkitt. I hope you guys understand that we all reach a point in life where some responsibilities outweigh others. There was a point in my life when I was fresh out of college and took the board exams. There was nothing to do so I read about two books a day. I can't work yet that time because I didn't have my license.

And then I said to myself, hey why not write a book? And I did. I had sooo much free time then and the comments were awesome feedback and that motivated me to write. But then my license did come and also adult responsibilities.

I'm 26 years old and I guess a lot of you in here are young. We have to work to keep on living. We have to work to have money to eat and also a roof over our heads, buy the things we want. I have to do that and I don't have so much free time now. Whatever time I have, I spend sleeping or sometimes playing games or writing bit by bit just to have an update for you guys. It's not easy and I did think of quitting writing several times.

I just wanted to explain what life is like right now and I really do hope you understand why updates are not as fast and that no amount of "please update" or rude messages will get it to be faster. Haha. If those could add hours in a day, I swear I'd write.

To those waiting patiently, thank you and stay awesome. <3


Aerith's Room
New York City


I woke up when my alarm clock went off.

I rubbed my hands sleepily over my eyes and stretched my body. Every inch of me hurt especially my chest and my throat. I stood up too fast and it resulted to the room spinning. I sat down again and took deep breaths to make the nausea go away.

I thought back to last night and the last thing I could remember was being thrown into the pool. I remember the paralyzing fear and then the burning in my lungs as I struggled to get air. I remember someone blowing air into my lungs. That part was weird because the air felt cold at first. It was soothing at the same time. It made my entire body numb and it chased the pain away up until the point where it started to get hotter and hotter until it felt like I was on fire.

I also remember seeing the blurry outline of a man.

And after that, I don't remember anything else. How did I get home? Did Claudine arrive and drive me? How are my clothes dry?

I rubbed my face with my palm as I struggled to recall. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. Before I could open it, Cathy, my foster mother, entered.

"Aerith, we need to talk," she said. I nodded and she sat on the other side of the bed. I knew already what this discussion is going to be about.

"You're eighteen now. You have to step up and take responsibility of your life. It's time for you to move out and find your own place. Living alone will help you become a more responsible person. And don't you want to live somewhere where you'll make the rules and don't have to follow someone else's?" she asked.

I looked down and stared at my lap. She's been saying this for a long time now. The little time I had seemed to run out. I had no other choice. "I understand. I'll start looking right away. Thank you for everything you've done for me, Cathy," I told her.

Cathy was actually one of the nicest foster mothers I've had. Others only took in kids because the state gave them money for it. And they spent all of that money drinking most of the time. I've been in houses where there's basically no food and the living conditions were bad. When I was with that kind of family, it was every man and woman for himself.

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