4. Sugar Daddy

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This day i'm pretty sure that i won't be quite productive because last night, i was having party with Bboun in his friend's house. That party was a blast and i got really drunk. It was one of my bad decision tho and i just shouldn't go there. I know going to a party on Sunday night won't be good, but the urge to have some fun got the best of me last night.

And that's why, my head is banging like shit right now.

I carelessly cook some simple breakfast and then drinking some aspirin to lessen the headache. I prepared myself to go to my office, but then someone calling me on my phone.

It was my boss, Henry.

Ohm: Hello

Henry: Hey, Ohm...i will talk real quick, please listen carefully, ok?

Ohm: Yeah?

Henry: I think i can't go to the office today because my daughter got some accident just now. I need you to replace me temporarily because director will ask so many favors that i'm quite sure you can handle. Today is Monday, and he will be mad if our department can't give what he wants. He probably just wants some cash flow report, trial balance report and profit loss report, well maybe also another report from payable. I'm sorry, but i really need to leave today. So, could you do that for me?

Ohm: Yes of course, i hope your daughter will be alright Henry.

Henry: Yeah, thank you Ohm, and good luck, please call me if you got some troubles.

Ohm: Yes, i will try my best.

Henry closed the call afterwards, making my head throbbing worse than it already is. Henry is the manager of finance accounting department in my office and i'm his assistant manager. I'm working in Gerald corporation group, the headquarter of so many manufacturing company.

Henry is so nice to me and although i hate to do his job today, i will still do my best. It's just for one day anyway, so it won't be such a big deal. The challenge tho, is Mr. Gerald, the director, he is a strict old man who is so intelligent and the best in strategic planning. I'm not quite sure whether i will met with his high standarts, but i just don't want to disappoint Henry.

So i went to my office and start checking on my emails, no email from Mr. Gerald, luckily, but i quickly generate all the reports Henry mentioned before, just in case.

Henry's office phone suddenly rang, and then i quickly picked it up.

Ohm: With Ohm, Henry's assistant here, what can i do for you?

Gerald: I need profit loss reports and i want it detailed per branch of our company. Bring it to my office in one hour please.

Mr. Gerald said sternly. I don't talk with him often, but only hearing his voice through the phone, already makes me feel uneasy.

Ohm: A, alright Mr. Gerald.

I said, with a little stutter.

Mr. Gerald cut the phone call afterwards, and i immediately re-generate the profit loss reports. Yes, I already generate it, but it doesn't detailed per branch of the company.

Yeah, just fuck you my luck.

Generating that report is easy, because this company has system, but checking on the numbers is not. Knowing Mr. Gerald, he would get mad if he found only one dollar difference on the report i make for him. He is just that perfectionist and the old man really hate inaccuracy.

Two hours later, i finished the reports and i quickly go to Mr. Gerald's office.

I was one hour late, but it's better than nothing, so i build up my courage and then after his secretary let me in, i knock on his door.

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