We will meet again

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Next day

I waked up groaning because the sun was shining right into my room disturbing my sleep. Violette has kindergarten today so I plan to visit again and try to get closer to her or share some words with her if nothing more happens. I got ready toning down my outfit abit to not scare her away with my goth look.
I hop in my car and decided to stop in a candy shop to get her some candy I don't know whats her favorite so I will buy many kinds of candy. I pay for it and leave and I'm on my way to the kindergarten. I park my car near and the kids were already out playing so I grab the bag with candy from the other seat and exit my car locking it in the process while I walk to the bench I was sitting the last time. I wait for Violette to notice me and when she does she walks to me with a smile.

" Hello little one remember me? "

" Yes, you were here some days ago you look like my mommy are you my mommy? "

My heart starts to beat fast and I don't know what to answer so I changed the topic.

" I got you some candy I don't know what you like so I got alot come sit I will show you. "

she sat down next to me waiting impatiently to see what I got her
and luckily she liked everything but aparently Billie doesn't let her eat alot of candy.

" Give it to me I will open it for you but don't tell mom that I gave you candy put it in your backpack and hide it in your room okay? "

" Yes, okay, oh mom is here I will have to go. "
She gave me a small quick hug  and ran to Billie. I looked away from them pretending to look for something behind me but I was listening to their conversation.

" Mommy is here on the bench. "
" Sweety that's not mommy, mommy is up there with angels. "
She started to talk to the kindergarten teacher

" Do you know who that person on the bench is? "

" No I don't but she's been here a few times just looking at the kids your daughter got pretty close to her and asks alot when she will come again. "

" Thank you, I will go check stay with your teacher Vio. "

Billies footsteps came closer and closer to me and I stod up taking the oportunity when a person walked before me hidding me to run away in my vampire speed hidding behind a tree where Billie can't see me and she imediately stopped looking around confused but she turned back to go to Violette and they went home.  I decided to go eat and than to the store I'm planing to visit Violette in secret so I will buy her a barbie.

2 hours later

I parked my car some houses away from theirs so it doesnt look suspicious. I walk to their house and listen to where Violettes voice is so I can go there. I walk to the back of the house and luckily her window is open so I call her and she comes to the window all excited to see me but I put my finger to my mouth to show her to be quiet.
" I will come up so can you move abit? "

she noded and steped back and that's when I jump up into her room steping quietly on the floor

I looked at her and smiled

" Your mommy doesn't know I'm here so we need to be quiet or we will get in trouble, I got you something. "

I gave the doll to her and she hugs me with a thank you and than she starts to show me her barbie collection and we decided to play for abit and chat and when I said something funny she started to laugh too loud and I heard footsteps.

"Mommy is coming I will have to go but I will be back soon I promise."

The doors open and I dart out the window before she could see me making the curtains go crazy.
I walk to my car and drove off with a smile on my face.

Rebirth- Billie Eilish On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now