First Night.

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Aoi's POV:

"Kimberly huh? You aren't around from here are you?" I spat out.

"So? At least I know my way around" She scoffed. I lifted my eyebrow.

"I didn't mean it like that, I'm just saying never heard that name around here...." I faded off. She nodded

"We'll I'm not. I came here a while back but I've got the hang of it" She jumped up and looked down at the street. I followed her gaze. The bus didn't seem like it was coming anytime soon and it was getting extremely dark.

"Uhh do you live close by here?" I asked. She looked at me and chuckled.

"I guess, it's just three or five blocks from here" She looked away but met my gaze once more.

"Wait why do you ask?"

A smirk began on my face. "Maybe we could walk there? It is pretty dark"

"Wait we? Who said you could go?" She snapped. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing made its way out. She began to laugh.

"That's what I thought. I guess you could stay for the night. You do look pretty helpless". She snorted.

"Hey!" I shouted. She shook her head.

"What? Do you need a place to stay or not?"

I nodded. "Jeez what was wrong with this chick?" I muttered to myself. I got up from the seat and follow followed her. I couldn't keep up with her footsteps so I ran right beside her. She looked at me. I smiled widely making her half smile. We passed by two blocks without a word until she shivered.

"Do you want to burrow my sweater?" I asked politely. She cuddled herself and looked at me.

"No I don't need your sweater"

I shook my head. "Come on you will get sick anyways, just let me put on the sweater"

"No! We are almost there!" She started to shout. I put my hand over her mouth.

"Okay! No need to shout!"

"Sorry but it's just many things are in my mind and I don't need you distracting me from them" she scoffed. I looked up at the sky and back down at the ground.

"Alright, then can I atleast hug you?" I automatically said what popped up in my head. Did I literally just say that? She looked at me and narrowed her eyes.

"Dude seriously I think your drunk" She laughed. I joined her. "We are here!"

I looked up to be found with a little blue apartment. She walked up the stairs and opened the door. She faced me and gestured her hands to the inside.

"Are you coming or?" She began. I smirked and walked up the stairs. Right when I was beside her I high five her hand making her make a confused case. I winked at her and walked inside. It was actually pretty house warming. I studied the room in what seemed like a living room. The door slammed and I turned around to face her.

"This is it?" I questioned

"No, it's my cottage" She sarcastically said making me start laughing.

"I like you, you aren't like most girls"

"We'll duh you burly noticed?" She walked over to me. "Do you want something?"

"No but I am pretty thirsty" I smirked. She rolled her eyes.

"I'll get you water. Do not touch anything" She walked off to another room and I stood there searching the area. I walked by some photos, books and CD's. I studied one photo that caught my eye. She was with two other girls. One had medium wavy hair while the other one had long kind of straight hair. In the bottom it said their names. 'Karen and Rita' was written in nice cursive. I looked at the little nightstand. There was a booklet there that had both of those girls name with there numbers. I'm guessing those are her best friends? I picked up the photo frame and studied it longer. The girl with the black wavy hair smiled widely while her and her other friend half smiled to the camera. I looked at the back to see some writing. 'We will miss you! Come back soon! -Karen and Rita xx' I smiled when I saw some letters in the bottom. 'P.S. is your refrigerator running?'

"What are you doing?" I jumped when I heard a voice roar in my ear. I turned around and faced Kimberly.

"We'll it just caught my attention" I looked down ashamed. She shook her head.

"They're my best friends from L.A. One of them is in London right now but she will come visit me soon"

"London?" I asked.

"Yes, she has always wanted to go to London since like middle school" She chuckled

"And do what exactly?"

"I don't know? The accents always caught her attention" she said sarcastically again.

"Yes because accents are so adorable" I mocked back. She laughed.

"Here is your water" she said as she handed me a big glass of water. I widened my eyes.

"Where is the bathroom?"

"Over there why?"

"Because after this I think I'll go take a piss" I joked.

The One and Only Girl (A Gazette Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant