Truth is Emberassing.

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Aoi's POV:

"I ran away just for this!?" Kimberly repeated for the what seems seventh time already. I laughed harder.

"Hey I told you to get it and run to me when you did....I didn't actually mean run as fast as you could?! Your not robbing a bank! Silly girl" I Teased. She rolled her eyes and growled.

"That's the last time I'm doing something for you!" She turned red and walked away.

"Fuck what did I do!" I muttered. I rushed over to her. "No I didn't want to sound mean! I'm sorry!"

"Sorrys don't count!"

"I don't know what else to say....." I looked down in shame.

"There is on thing" She suggested. I looked up.

"What is it?" I asked automatically. She smiled.

"Kiss me"

I gasped.


"Kiss me" She repeated. I felt a pang in my heart as it began to accelerated a million times faster. She puckered up her lips and closed her eyes. I followed her. I could no feel her warm breath on my lips. I got millimeters closer...and closer...and closer...

"Aoi?" She mumbled.

"Yes" I murmured


"What is it?" I asked once more almost touching her lips.

"AOI WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" She screamed. I rolled over and fell out of bed.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I put my hand over my heart and felt the rapid heart beat.

"We have to go get Karen remember?" She informed. I growled and nodded.

"Okay so get ready! She doesn't know her way here in Japan" Once she finished she left the room, leaving me and my thoughts. I put my hands over my head and massaged it.

"So that was a dream? Why the hell was I dreaming about her? Am I going insane?" I asked. I looked out the window.

"Nonsense...sanity is in everyone" I laughed. I grabbed my jacket I had bought yesterday at the mall with Kimberly and sighed. Yesterday was fun for the first time. She laughed through the whole process of me finding the perfect jacket. Not an everyday thing you know?

"Aoi are you really yet?" Ah screamed. I laughed.

"One more scream and you'll wake up the neighbors" I teased.

"Who gives a flying damn about them"

I laughed. I opened the door to see a Kimberly in a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, a tshirt that says 'I'm with an idiot' and to top it all off black all-stars.

"Hey who is the idiot?" I asked. She smirked.

"You know exactly who it is"

I pulled my tongue out at her. She's so adorable


"Shut up and help me look for her!" She slapped me on my shoulder. I laughed.

"Okay gosh" I playfully whined. She smiled and rolled her eyes. I eventually wondered off into a new side of the airport. "Where in the hell is she?" I asked myself.

"Who?" Someone asked me. I looked up and sighed.

"Some girl this chick is looking for" I smiled.

"Oh this chick? What do you mean?" She sounded interested. I still didn't look at her face though just at her smile. I sat down in a nearby bench and signalled for her to sit next to me. I was tired after all from walking around here.

"Yes this girl I met a few days ago...but to tell you the truth...she has got me crazy over heels for her" I laughed softly. She giggled.

"Oh well I wish for you the best mister....but then why don't you tell her?" She insisted

"I don't know...I burly know her and well yea I don't think she feels the same" I sighed.

"You would be surprised, and if you don't you will be friend zoned you know" She reassured me while patting my back. I sighed.

"Yea I will see how it goes later on but for right now I have to find a girl called Karen here" I got up and saluted myself in pride.

"Wait did you just say Karen?" She scoffed. I nodded.

"Yes why?"

"Wait is your name Aoi?"

I looked at her while furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yes why?"

"Well hello there! My names Karen" She greeted. I gasped.

"I uh..." I faded off. I mentally face palmed myself in embarrassment.

'I just told one of Kimberly's best friends I like her'

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