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Like I said, that night I used the bathroom all night because of the big glass of water Kimberly gave me. Yup, that girl has some evil in her for sure. I stretched out from my long sleep. 'No, if I did have a long sleep I wouldn't be grumpy.' I said to myself. Instead I was waking up from the loud music coming from the living room. I growled and looked at the time on my, for now disconnected phone. '4:37am'

"That bitch" I muttered. I pulled my feet to the side of the bed and rubbed my hands hard on my face. Unfortunately that didn't help at all in trying to make my eye lids open all the way. I jumped myself off of bed and opened the door to be blasted by the heavy rock music. I narrowed my eyes when I couldn't believe what I was watching. Is this some kind of dream or is this a nightmare? There in front of my stood a dancing Kimberly. She had her hands in the air playing an imaginary guitar, following the beat of the music. I leaned over the wall and stood staring at her up to down. Her body moved to the beat to the music rather slender and sexy. Her hair bounced on her face as she nodded her head back and front. I little chuckle flew out of my mouth.

"I see you enjoying the music there" I shouted over the loud music. The face that I had expected came into view. She looked at me shocked and turned red. I do not know if that was the blushing red or the angry red but I just smirked. She turned the music down, now it was hearable to talk.

"What the he-"

"Yes that's the same thing I would tell you" I replied, I crossed my hands over my chest and stood staring at her.

"I thought you left a long time ago? You were in the bathroom getting ready no?"

"No, I was in the bathroom taking a long piss? Can I not do that?"

She rolled her eyes. "What the hell are you snapping at me for? This is my god damn house not yours remember"

I opened my mouth to speak but a lump got stuck. 'Damn it this is her house, flying hell Aoi you did it again!' I scolded myself. I wrapped my arm into a fist.

"Aoi are you-"

"I'm sorry, but I am not a morning person and I get cranky..." I trailed off. I looked down in defense ready for the yelling to begin. Instead I was astonished by her reaction.

"Aoi, it's my fault, I should of looked if you left before I turned on the music" I looked up at her remark. She was biting down on her lip. I smiled

"It's both our fault then....." I grinned. She scowled.

"Grinning won't make it sound better" She smiled and rolled her eyes. I lifted my self from the wall and walked over to her.

"I know...what I do want to know is how do you do that guitar in the air without a guitar in your hands" I asked. Her face lit up and smiled.

"Well I have always wanted to rock on stage with my friends but that dream is just a dream so I just imagine that I am doing it" She replied looking down. She was adorable, her dream a dream but maybe I could make that reality. A big smirk crept on my face. Imagine what she would do if I made that dream reality? I am Aoi from The Gazette anyways.

"Don't stop trying," I began. She looked up confused.

"I just told's a dream" She walked over to a cupboard and took out what looked like a book. She flipped through the pages until she found the page she was looking for.

"What is it?" I asked. She looked up, her eyes glistening.

"This is a photo of me and my friends playing at a little concert" She handed me the book.

"Oh it's an album" I whispered to myself. I looked at the photo to be found with a whole group of people along with Kimberly in it.

"Look this is me, Karen, Rita, Lucia, Kimian, Destiny, and Gina," She pointed to each person, telling there makes a along with it. I smiled.

"How long was this?"

"Like seven years ago or so?"

"What the hell! How old are you then?" I gasped. She began to giggle.

"I'm kidding, that was like three years ago, till today I have kept contact with all of them...only all of them live in different city's...or country's.." She faded away. I looked at her, she had sad, soulful eyes.

"Where? Tell me, I would like to know"

She looked at me and tilted her head.

"You really want to know? I'm not boring you?"

"If you we're boring me, I would've left along time ago" I chuckled. She smiled

"Okay" She turned around to fave the couch. She sat down gently and gestured me to sit next to her. I happily accepted he offer and rested my finally awake body next to her. She was pretty warm, which only sent warm chills down my body. She grabbed the book out of my hands and turned the page.

"Well, Karen and Lucia right now are in London doing I don't know what, I do know Karen has a voice acting career...Rita is back in LA making her voice acting career possible with Kimian making anime with her amazing drawings and sketches while Destiny and Gina I do not know what they are doing but I think they are doctors of some sort?" I smiled. She looked fantasized right now as she flipped through the album raveling pictures of her friends. I was actually entertained with this. Hearing about her and her life was pretty interesting and somehow mysterious.

"So isn't Karen coming from London here? Is Lucia coming with her?" I finally asked. She nodded

"Oh yea huh? Lucia and her are coming to come visit me...I truly do miss all my friends though..." I nodded. She looked at the photos and smiled. I helped her flip through the album. I caught one picture of her and a boy.

"Is this your boyfriend?" I asked. She began to laugh

"No just my brother"

"Mmhmm that's everyone's excuse" I teased. She shook her head.

"Truly Aoi? You think anyone like me would have a boyfriend?"

I studied her face. Why would she say that? Is she insecure or something? Truly she was cute, adorable... But knowing dudes these days they don't care about that...all they care about were sexy boobalicious models...conceded little bitches to me in other words. I glanced at her expression. I couldn't read it well but I did know she was anxious to know my answer.

"Well yea? Why wouldn't you?" I asked.

She looked away from me.

"Boys don't like me...they think I look like a man...that I act like a emo bitch...that I-"

"And you believe that bullshit?" I asked. She looked at me.

"No" She croaked. I snorted.

"The hell are you hearing those stupid people...they just get you to feel down for they could feel more powerful than you. That's what I hate about bullying....lowlifes just bothering people who actually have life's....makes me want to spit in their pathetic little faces...everyone deserves better" I spat out. It literally did anger me when people make other people feel like a piece of shit.

"Aoi....." She mumbled. I looked at her.


"Thank you" She smiled.

The One and Only Girl (A Gazette Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora