Phone Call.

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"Are you done yet or not?" I heard her yelling from outside the bathroom door. Burly bearable from the shower water pouring down I answered.

"Almost let me just clean my-"

"Okay I do not need to know" She yelled back. I chucked. I loved joking around with people...but something about Kimberly made me do it all the time. I rubbed off the thought as I cleaned off the conditioner out of my head. I turned off the warm shower water and opened the curtain showing all the fog surrounding. I inhaled deeply and let it all out. A long day was ahead of me.

"Yea long day" I smiled. I grabbed the green towel awaiting me by the door and wrapped it around my waist. I inhaled the nice fog one more time, the little drops of water trickled on my tongue. I loved the feeling of it. I opened the door to be found a wet haired Kimberly standing there.

"Yes may I help you?"

"What the hell? You know I pay for the water right? And so far I will pay a thousand dollars because of you" She scowled. I looked up to the ceiling.

"Don't worry I'll pay you back" I replied. I walked over to the guest room I was staying in and started to change into my clothes.

"You better pay me" Kimberly muttered as I put my pants on. She stood there wide mouthed. I didn't cover myself but I was half nude. I shook my head like a dog until my hair was at least dry enough to brush. I glanced over to Kimberly who still stood there by the doorway.

"Liking the view?" I chuckled. She began to turn red.

"To be honest I don't know what I'm looking at" She retorted

"But you have been looking at me like a rapist" I reassured her. "Plus I see the drool coming down"

"What the hell! Aoi!"

I chuckled.

"Well? Where are we going in such a rush anyways?" I asked

"Well we are sending you to your band again"

I looked at her and gasped.

"What!? I thought we were going to the airport and pick up your friend or something" I gnawed. She laughed

"Dude. First off my friends won't come until tomorrow or something, and second you literally should tell your band mates where you are" She stated sincerely.

"Alright" Was all I said. I did somehow did want to stay here with her...see her friends...and well she was the only person that knew us and didn't freak out with my existence.

"Okay let's go"


"Hello?" Someone finally answered in the other end.

"Hey" I cheered.

"Aoi is that you?"

"Yes it's me"


"Reita sorry okay? I missed my bus and I am" I grinned.

"YOU SHOULD OF CALLED!" I narrowed me eyes.

"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO CALL WHEN MY DAMN PHONE DON'T WORK!" I remarked. I just wanted to be done with this call already. I was hungry, and sleepy....not a good sign for me.

" could of called from that girls phone" Reita scoffed. I snorted.

"How the hell did you know in staying at a girls place?"

"Dude. I know you....if you were staying at a guys house you would of called at one in the morning" I could feel him smirking. I praised the lord Kimberly didn't hear that. I popped my head to the side to peek to see where she was. Thankfully she was buying some food. Perfect.

"Alright well that's all, I'll see you guys tomorrow or something"

"Wait Aoi what?"

"You heard me, I'm going to stay at this girls place for a while....maybe two days?"

"Why? You burly even know her and plus-"

"Bye Reita" I scowled. Reita just laughed.

"Don't have too much fine then Aoi" He finally replied. I smirked.

"I'll try not too"

The One and Only Girl (A Gazette Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now