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I wake up when I feel a sudden coldness hit my body. I open my eyes.

'Where are you going?' I ask when I notice him standing next to the bed.
'I expected your first question to be: "did you carry me here" not that.' 'Well it seems obvious to me you carried me here,' I answer as I let out a quick yawn.

'To answer your question, I was going to get a hot water bottle. My body heat isn't enough to warm you up and I can't bare the feeling I'm laying next to a corpse anymore.'

I look over at the clock it's three o'clock.


'Will your body react normally to the sudden amount of heat?'
'No, it will hurt me until I'm used to it.. it's fine I can bare with it.'

He places a kiss on my forehead.

'I'm sorry,' he mumbles against my skin.

'We will have the conversation tomorrow,' I state before he starts it.
'In the shower?' He asks as he lays down next to me.
'Why in the shower?' I respond with a laugh.
'It reminds me of old times.'

I shake my head.

'Josh.. the first time we did that we had our first big fight.'
'No, the first time we showered your body was burning because you pulled me in with your power to talk to Louise.' 'Don't be smart ass.'

I gasp as he uses his speed to pin me down and his head is hovering above mine.

'I'm going to have a heart attack one day if you keep scaring me like this.' 'Are you allowing me to kiss your lips or are you too mad at me?'
'At this point it doesn't matter if I say no,' I answer.

I mean I don't mind it. I feel his lips on mine and all I'm thinking about is how he isn't freezing right now.

'Alright.. are you used to the heat of the hot water bottle?'
'I didn't even notice it,' I mumble as I start to search for it.

I find it laying against my side.

I lift my sweater to see a big red mark, it doesn't look like a normal mark that's left when you hold something hot against your body.. it's even more red.

'Wait is it glowing?' He takes a closer look, 'Ted it is.'

I flinch when he touches it.

'What did you expect it wouldn't hurt?' I ask when he gives me a confused look. 'I'm sorry.'

I pull down my sweater again and curl up to the boy next to me with the hot water bottle being the only thing between us.

'I guess this means we're going back to bed?' 'It's the middle of the night.. I need to work tomorrow.'


I wake up peacefully, wait.. that's weird. I should have been woken up by my alarm.

'Were you waiting for me to wake up? Did I miss my alarm?'
'I called your work, you're not working today,' he answers calmly. 'But I'm not sick?'
'You're still freezing cold.'
'But I'm not sick,' I repeat, 'wait I'm the boss.. how did you..?' He laughs. 'Have you forgotten you pay people extra money to keep an eye on sickness on the side of their normal job?' 'Oh right.. I do that.'

'Honestly, just feed from me if it warms you up. I can't bare seeing you like this.'
'Yet you can bare seeing me be depressed because you're acting like an asshole,' I mutter.
'Don't act like this Ted.'

I sit up straight and take the sheets with me. My fingers, which are on top of the blankets start twitching.

'Ted.. feed from me, otherwise I'm going to force you.' 'Don't you dare try to attempt a kiss of death again, last time you almost died,' I state strictly.

He did it a year ago, I had bloodlust and was holding it back alright.
But of course my body started protesting. He had so much pity with me he bit the inside of his mouth causing it to bleed and kissed me after that. When I tasted his blood I was done for. My urge took over me and I almost sucked him dry because I wasn't able to stop neither could he get me off.

'If you don't give me a reason to do it I won't.' 'Get a needle,' I say thinking of a different plan.

'What do you want to do with this?' He asks once he comes back.

I take the needle from him and sign him to sit down next to me.

I grab his finger and push the needle into his skin, he doesn't react to it.
I pinch his skin until a drop of blood is created. I take his finger and drink the single drop of blood.

'And that's enough?'
'No, but it will be a bit better,' I answer honestly.
'Why don't you just f..'
'Josh I can't, I physically can't,' I finally admit. 'What do you mean?' 'It's because of the bite.. I can only give you the same one and I don't want to.'

He wraps an arm around my shoulders and pull me close to him.

'If you knew this would happen why didn't you take blood last night?'
'You were terrified.. I didn't want it to take longer than needed.'

He sighs deeply.

'Honey.. please, don't hurt yourself like this even if it's to safe me.'

'Basically you did it,' I mumble.
'Back to blaming me.. I see.'

I move closer to him only because he's warm. He starts running his fingers through my hair.

'Ted.. there's a lot happening at the moment and I can't tell you what it is yet. That's why I was acting so cold and kept away from you. I don't want to hide things from you and every time I see you I get reminded. I didn't want you to asks questions.'

'That doesn't explain why you keep running to girls every time things are difficult between us.'
'That's the alcohol.'
'Blame it on the alcohol you choose to drink yourself,' I mutter.

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