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'Well.. you two look like you enjoyed yourselves,' Laura says when she brings us our breakfast.
'You have more confidence I see.'
'Why are you apologizing?' I ask as I chuckle. 'I don't know.'
'Do you guys need me for something?' 'Not yet, I will pick you up if we do.'
She nods and walks away.

'Your neck looks beat up,' Josh says with his hoarse morning voice when I lay back down in the bed after putting the food on nightstand. I feel his head on my shoulder.
'Well don't assault my neck like this then.' I feel his warm breath in my neck when he laughs.

I turn around so we're face to face. 'Your neck looks fucked up as well.' 'You drew a lot of blood last night.'
I smile innocently and touch his nose.

He wraps his arm around my middle and pulls me on top of him.
'You're a cute little vampire, do you know that?' 'I'm not.'
'I don't agree with you.'
I shake my head and lay my head down on his chest.

'We should have breakfast now.'
I escape his strong grip and sit up.
'Breakfast can wait,' he mumbles tiredly. 'Excuse you? I'm hungry!'
He laughs and turns on his side, his back towards me.

'Oh am I getting the silence punishment now?' 'Yup.'
'You failed already.'

'Well I'm going to eat whether or not you join me.' I take the food with me to the desk and eat it.

'You're still a slow eater, your food will be cold before you finished.' 'Yours will be cold before you even start.' 'The food was cold to begin with!' I shake my head. 'What's this discussion about then?'

'Anyway, I'm going to pick up Alex.'
'In your dressing gown?' He pushes himself up, 'Teddy are you okay? Did I do something wrong?'
'No.. no, you're doing everything right. Everything you say is sweet and kind. And I keep fucking everything we have up,' I mumble.
'That's not true, I tend to fuck up as well.'

He rushes towards me.

'How long has it been since you slept?'
'Josh I'm..' 'Stop telling me your fine!
I can't even tell anymore what your true feelings are most of the time.. How do you think that makes me feel?' He sounds.. hurt.

I stare at the floor as I can't seem to make a move or even talk.

'How do you destroy a monster without becoming one?' I whisper.
'Louise..' 'You don't u..understand.'

I take a few steps backwards.
'Why are you walking away from me?' 'I'm not!' 'And that's why you just took another step backwards?' He sighs, 'If I wanted to force this out of you.. I would've done so.'

'Come on get your butt over here.'
He opens his arm where I let myself walk into.

'Can you just ditch the dressing gown?' 'But I will be in my boxers.'
'Are you serious Ted? Last night you didn't care? Why do you keep hiding your perfectly build body from me?!'

His yelling scares me.. it always does.

'Ted,' he sighs and places his hands on my arms, 'What are you hiding?'
'Nothing.' 'Take it off.'

I hold my head low as I obey.
'Teddy please.. you're acting like your lower than me.' 'What do you want then!'

He pushes my head up.
'I don't want you to keep your head down.'

'Get on with it.' 'It would help if you just told me where to look.'

I roll my eyes and turn my side to him. 'Jee.. How did I not notice that last night?' 'Because.. you don't pay attention to.. me,' I respond nervously.
'Don't get me wrong. Yes you pay attention to my mental state but.. it's like you never actually pay attention to my physical body,' I explain.
'Darling.. I litterly just called your body perfect.' 'No you don't understand.' 'Make me understand!'
'You didn't notice my bruises which litterly cover my whole side.. when I whimper or my eyes are filled with pain.. you just assume it's something else.'

He ignores my comment.
'You should've told me about these.'
'It's not like you can do anything with it.' 'I could at least be more careful.'

'How did you even get them?'
'I fell,' I answer. 'How the he..'
'Out of the air, just let me finish a sentence one time.'
'I don't believe that, I've seen you fly.. you don't just fall. Can't you just tell me the truth immediately for once?'
'You're making it sound like I always lie to you,' I mumble.
'About this you do. Now lay yourself down on the bed and let me at least look at it.'

I decide not to make an even bigger deal of it so I just give in with whatever he wants to.

'So how is this only bruised?' He asks after examining it. 'Don't know.'
'Ted.. be honest. Is this related to Louise?' 'I did it myself alright.'
'What?' He shouts.

I tighten my grip around the blankets. I hate it when he's mad at me and I don't want him to be.

'Teddy answer me!' He punches down right beside my head making me shrink in even more.
'Y.. you're scaring me,' I whisper.
'The only thing you need to do is tell me what you did and why you did it.'
'I can't it.. it was.. I don't know what it was I only know I did it.'
'It's getting out of control Ted, I don't know what it is but it's getting out of hand,' he replies.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him as close as possible to me. 'You're fully aware my neck hurts yet you're doing this.'
'I.. just don't like it when you're mad at me and now I feel quilty and..'
'Shh it's fine.'

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