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Okay so.. I found out that around 300 words of this chapter are gone and I can't find them back. Since I wrote this in April I have no clue how it continued.. I assume it isn't too important, I'm sorry.

Also.. I don't really like this chapter.. it isn't important to the story so feel free to just skip it.

Disclaimer: I didn't check this chapter on anymore mistakes, because I'm feeling really sick atm, I'm so sorry.

It's Sunday evening.. tomorrow is the day our bet starts, I don't think it was a good idea but.. I don't want to disappoint him.

'Breaking it in the first hour?' I ask when I feel his hands on my waist. 'We have three hours left until it's midnight, that leaves me three hours to do stuff.' I shake my head and let him do his thing.


'You know.. this bet is rigged,' I say almost gasping for air.

He smiles places a kiss on my nose and lays down next to me.

'Too bad.. it just started.'

It's one minute past twelve, our night just ended so abruptly because of this.. my body was craving from more but to tired to do it itself.

'Why do you think it's rigged?' 'If one of us breaks character.. the other one will too,' I mumble. 'So you finally figured it out?' 'You tricked me!'
He laughs. 'Does it matter when no one breaks the deal?' 'No,' I answer. 'Exactly.. so are we continuing what we were doing or are you going to sleep?'

'Asshole.. you knew I would be tired and now you have a free pass out of this.' 'It wasn't my intention,' he says with a soft little smile I seem to melt into.


I wake up with an ache down there and a soreness literally everywhere. You would say my body would get used to it but in the end.. it never did or will. Elves weren't build for vampires and vampires weren't build for elves, as simple as that. But we didn't care.. we never cared. We tried to make it as comfortable for us and we like it.. of course we do. It's just that I'm not able to function normally the day after for the first few hours.

I groan long and loudly when he wakes me up by moving his hands up and down my back.
'I would've preferred a purr,' I turn around and meet his eyes, 'how are you?' He adds. 'A bit sore.' 'No.. I asked how you are.. not how your body was doing.' I groan again. 'Bit grumpy love?'

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him on the bed with me. 'Ted.. you need to get your ass out of bed and put on some clothes, before you turn into ice.'

He tries to move away from me. 'No,' I pull him back down, 'you're not going anywhere.' 'Ted.. I'm serious.. get your ass out of bed.'

I sigh as I let him go and change clothes. Which doesn't go as easy as I planned. I whimper as I let myself fall down on the bed again. 'I'm sorry,' he says with a chuckle. 'Fuck you!' I groan. 'That's the problem in the first place.' I hit his shoulder when he's close enough.

'Damn.. go easy on me Ted, I was trying to help you.' 'Why does this always happen the morning after?' I whine. 'I'm sorry.'

He helps me up and downstairs.

'Josh..' 'No, just have a plasma pack or synthetic blood.' 'Can you at least get me something then?' I ask as I sigh. 'What do you want?' 'Plasma,' I answer quickly. 'Why do we even have synthetic if you don't drink it?'
'I do! I mix it in with wine when you're gone at night.'

He gives me a surprised look.
'You drink?' 'Sometimes,' I mumble.

We have breakfast and I move to the couch after that. I'm accompanied with around three blankets and a huge teddy bear.. ironic I know.

'Hey.. can I join?' I scoot over and let him under the blanket next to me. 'How are you?' 'I'm fine Joshua.. I'm fine,' I answers quietly.

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