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'What happened to your wrist?'

Of course they were going to ask that question. It's pretty obvious.

'Oh.. nothing, I just fell.'

He's still a perfect liar and luckily only I know this was a lie.. even though it was a pretty obvious one.

If you haven't seen someone in a while you would say they would embrace you or tell you that they missed you, but with my friends.. nope. They don't miss me they miss Josh. Still they were devastated when I was gone for more than a year. I just don't understand how that works.

Basically he stole my friends.. except for Keith, those two really don't like eachother for some unknown reason.

'Ted?' 'Hm?' I look up and see Keith.
'I literally said your name like five times,' he says. 'Oh.'
'Maybe you should have talked a bit louder in order for him to hear you.'
'No, you two aren't going to do this again. Safe the arguing for when we're not around,' I state strictly stand up and walk to the nearest bottle of beer.

I don't even like alcohol.. it just makes me worry less.


'Okay Ted that's enough.'

The bottle gets snapped out of my hands.

'Why?' 'Because you're the youngest one of us.' 'So?' I ask clearly annoyed.
'We don't want you to pass out before the fireworks even started.'
'I won't pass out if I only drink one fucking bottle.' 'Two.' 'Two?' I repeat.
'You've had two.' I shake my head. 'You did, you finished yours and stole the one I had.' 'Oh.'

Pov Josh

He's on the edge of being drunk.. he have had three bottles so far. He won't listen to me and stop so I just steal everything he grabs. I'm sorry but it could be dangerous if he gets drunk.

'Fucking hell Ted! I've been away for two minutes and you're already drinking again!'

He takes a step back from me.

'Why don't you guys look after him!' I ask to the others surrounding him.
'Dooooess it matter?'

Great Keith is drunk. Jo has been ignoring him but actually didn't take a single drop of alcohol and the others are on the edge of being sober. Why do they all drink so much? Isn't a little bit enough?


He made it through the fireworks.. kind of.. he's drunk and I just stopped trying at this point.

'Joooosh?' 'No, you can't have more.' 'You're so mean!' I try my best not laugh when he weakly punches my upper arm.
'Are we going to start hitting me now?' I ask with a strict voice. 'I'm sooorry.'

He chuckles and walks away from me.


I turn around to keep an eye on him.

'I love you man.'
'I love you toooo.'

I decide to pull him away from the conversation just in case something happens.. they won't remember it anyways.

'Don't be a bully! I could've kissed a hot boy.'

I roll my eyes, grab his wrists and pull him closer.

'Once we get home you can kiss a hot boy.' 'Who?'

He starts looking around.

'Me.' 'No.. you're out of my league.'

I snicker shortly as I look him in the eyes.

'And why is that?'
'You're too handsome.'
'Don't please my ego this much Ted.'


'Are you still surviving between these messes we call friends?' I ask once Jo passes me. 'I'm just really happy it isn't my house.' 'Same.'

'So.. how's Ted?'
'Drunk,' I answer quickly.
'I figured that much,' she sighs, 'do you think he'll ever cheat on you when he's drunk?'
'I don't know, he wanted to kiss Keith a few minutes ago,' I answer trying to hide my suspicions.

Why would she ever ask something like that?

'And girls?' 'What's your point?' 'I don't know.. just asking.'

Jo has always had a thing for him.. so these questions seem very weird to me.

'Ted?' 'Yeee?' 'Would you every spend a night with a girl?'
'Girls are gross,' he answers with disgust. 'Well there's your answer.'

'Anyway I think I should take this mess home.' 'Don't be a bully! I want to stay.' 'I have kittens?' I try.

His eyes are filled with excitement.

'Why aren't we home yet!'


'Wait.. why did I want to go home?' He asks as soon as I lock the door.
'I don't know.'

'Wait I remember!' He yells out of nowhere, 'the kittens!'
'Yea no.. there aren't any kittens here.'
'You.. you lied to me!' He yells again. 'Shh.. love, we have neighbors.' 'Hooold on, don't try to seduuuce me. I have a boyfriend,' he murmurs strictly.
'I know.' 'If you knew.. why are you seducing me!' I laugh.
'Ted.. I'm your boyfriend.'

He lightly hits my chest.

'Nooooo silly, you're out of my league remember.'
'Well apparently you're lucky.'
'Yeee.. now kiss me.' I shake my head. 'But.. but you promised me.'
'And you said no.'

He staggers away from me.. well tries to.. he fails and almost falls. I catch him just in time.

'Where were you going?' 'Toilet.'

I help him and he ends up vomiting I guess almost everything out.. I hope at least.

'Come on you should go to bed.'

I wasn't sure whether or not he would vomit again. So I let him sleep on an old mattress on the floor. It took me so long to get him to bed.. he really didn't want to go to bed. But when he finally layed down he fell asleep almost immediately.

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