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Pov Josh

It's quiet.. awkwardly quiet.
My dad is thinking about something and that's literally the only thing I'm waiting for.. even though I want to get up and leave.

'Ted,' he starts out of nowhere, 'I don't want to see you anymore.'
'Just today or?' His mood changed in just a few seconds.
'I never want to see you between the walls of Earlmare again.'
'What!?' I shout, 'He's my boyfriend.. you can't just do that!'
'Of course I can do that.'
'So you're banning me from Earlmare hm?' Ted is acting weird.. that little hm at the end.. I don't trust it.
'Yes, after you leave today I forbid you to come back.' 'May I ask why?'

He's still polite even though he just got told to leave and never get back.

'I don't trust you.' 'Alright.. don't expect me to support Earlmare.'
'Excuse you?' 'Like I said, don't expect me to support Earlmare,' he repeats.
'Josh is part of Earlmare as well, right?' 'Does it look like I'm joking?'
'We don't need your support anyway.'
Ted shrugs and a smirk appears on his face. 'We'll see, won't we?'
'What kind of mind game are you two playing?' Alicia asks clearly confused about the whole situation.

'None, I'm serious about this. I don't want to see him until I know what he is and how dangerous he is.'
I see his eyes turn black and feel how he stands up.

'So you're worried about that? That's kind of.. cute.' His voice is low and gruff.. I don't trust this at all.
'Ted what are you doing?'
'What does it look like?'

He walks even closer to my father.
'So you think I'm dangerous?'
'One more step and..' 'And what?'
Ted takes a step closer.. challenging him.

My dad hit him.. he punched his nose.

Ted wipes away the blood forming underneath his nose with his fist and act like he doesn't really care.
'That wasn't very polite was it? I just came here to shake your hand one last time,' he responds with a chuckle. He sounds dangerous.. frighting.

'If you don't leave my sight now I'll..'
'You will what? You don't approve the relationship I have with your son, but you're not going to stop us. You just kicked me out of Earlmare. I don't have any family left so what could you possibly take from me? My freedom? That's not really an option is it? Because everyone will turn against you.'
'So you aren't counting your mother and son as family? It would be a shame if something happens to them.. wouldn't it?'

Ted dashes into the air and the gust appearing from every move his wings make makes things fall over. His eyes are a glowing black and even some black smoke surrounds his body.

He starts talking without taking his eyes away from my father.

'Ted we ca..' With a simple finger movement he quiets my sister down.
'Ted we can't understand you,' I say.
His eyes lock onto mine and a huge headache appears.

'That's the point,' I hear him say in my head. 'Why?' He doesn't react and moves his eyes away from me.

'Josh are you alright?' My mother asks clearly worried. 'He won't hurt me,' I mumbles back.. at least I hope.

My father looks terrified.. well not only him.. my whole family is.

'Ted.. he's my father, be careful.'

'Trust me.'
'How are you in my head without looking at me?'
Again he doesn't respond.. what annoyes me to be honest.

Suddenly the world around me freezes.

'Did you.. pull me in?' I ask confused.
I can't see a thing but it gets solved within seconds.

I see him standing in front of me and when I look at my surroundings I see myself sitting on the couch and him still floating in the air.. this power still confused me, I can't understand it.

'Ted talk to me.' He sighs and holds my hands. 'Take care of Alex until I'm back.. okay?'
'What do you mean? Are you leaving?'
He sighs again. 'I need to figure this out.' 'On your own? Take me with you!' My voice is thick and wobbly.
'I can't.. I want you to be safe.'
I cup his head in my hands.
'Please Ted.' I wipe away some of the blood covering his lips. His nose stopped bleeding but the blood still had dripped down all over him.

'It's going to be fine.. I'll just be gone for a little while.' 'Let me help!'
'I don't need help, I just want the pain to stop,' he whispers.
I feel my eyes getting wet.
'Please Josh.. don't cry,' he lays his hand on my shoulder, 'it will be my death if I don't go.'
'What.. what do you mean?'

He presses his hand down on his stomach and immediately a huge bruise appears.
'And I didn't even push down hard.'
He takes my hand and only holds my nails against his skin. Immediately his arm starts bleeding. 'H.. how?'
'That's what I'm going to find out.'
'Why now?'

He sighs and closes his eyes.

'What you just saw.. that monster there.. that's the reason I'm going today,' he says pointing at himself.
'You're not a monster Ted.. please either stay or let me go with you!'

Tears starts rolling down his eyes as well. 'You have to go to school.'
'Does it look like I care?!'
'You can't go with me and.. you can't stop me either, once your world starts moving again.. I will be gone.'

'This is pathetic.. really.'
So Louise is here.. that doesn't help the situation.
'Leave me alone! This is your fault! Go away and sit in a fucking corner or something!' His hands are shaking.. his whole body is trembling really.

Suddenly a man who I remember from years ago and the pictures appears next to him.. his dad.

'Louise please.. don't do this,' Ted begs him. 'What's going on?' I ask.
'He's torturing me by showing me my family,' he mumbles back.

Out of nowhere he howls and screams. 'Are you okay?'
'I.. I need to go, otherwise I won't even make it there.'
'Don't you dare to die on me,' I whisper to the still trembling boy.

He runs his thumb over my lips before kissing me.. a sad kiss.. a goodbye kiss.

'When will you be back.. where are you even going?'
All he answers is an "I don't know."

Then the world starts moving again. I look around me.. he's gone.. he really left me here.

'Are you happy now?! ARE YOU HAPPY DAD!? I run my fingers through my hair. The one I love the most disappeared.. gone just like that.
'What do you mean?'
'He's gone, just like you always wanted!' 'He'll be back tomorrow, he's extremely hard to get rid off.'

'Joshua calm down please,' my mother tries. 'No! I don't know where he went.. I don't know when he come back.. I don't even know if he'll come back alive in the first place. So don't.. ask me to calm down!'

I get up and smash the first object I see into small little pieces.. well they can buy a new fucking table now.

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