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Before I explain the gods thing, I made this book because Quarantine can kiss my ass! I'm going to try to pay attention to all of the books.

(Though can someone help me with the BillDip book? Thank you!)

Anyways, let me say who's a god and who's a mortal.




Any other characters that will help the main cast will be mortal, and not be shipped with anyone

Ex - Thomas, Wendy, Soos, DT!Paps, Classic Sans, etc etc

The ships are going to be out in the description once I've decided and if you don't like it, walk the fuck away

Now! Introducing the cast! (The word in parentheses is just describing what they look like in "mortal form" like human or skeleton)


Thomas, The god of Unity. He is known to be very a accepting god. Its told he'll accept you for you, no matter what. Visits the mortal realm very often, seen with brown or multi colored hair, and a typical everyday outfit worn by mortals. (Human)

Patton, god of Morality and Parenthood. He encourages parents to have kids, often putting others before him and cares about everyone. Often pictured to be Asexual but Panromantic. Rarely visits the mortal realm, only accompanying Thomas when he does. Often seen with Teal highlights and a stereotypical 'dad' outfit. (Human)

Logan, god of Logic and Opinions. He acts cold, and with no emotion often says what's on his mind when its his turn. Visits the Mortal realm moderately with Sci, seen with dark blue hair and a casual fancy outfit. (Human)

Deceit, god of Lies. Seen with half of his face covered in snake scales, and tries to convince heroes to help themselves, often using lies. Visits the mortal realm rarely. Often seen in sketchy alleyways, wearing dark clothing and blonde and black hair covering the snake half of his face. (Mainly human)

Remy, the god of sleep. Helps or ignores people, sort of a wild card. If luck is on your side, you'll get sleep but if it's not then poor you. Rarely in the mortal realm, seen in mostly leather clothes. (Human)

Nightmare, god of Negativity and Nightmares. Seen twice in the mortal realm, once with white bones and a purple outfit and the other with black bones, tentacles and strange goop that made his outfit unidentifiable. Nobody is sure of how he acts. (Skeleton)

Dream, god of Positivity and Dreams. Protects mortals from nightmares and too much negativity. Never seen in the mortal realm, but often seen in the dream realm, having white bones with a black and yellow outfit. (Skeleton)

Ink, god of Creation. Helps mortals with creative ideas and creating. Made without a soul and has no true emotions, but has tried to create a soul. Often seen in the mortal realm, with weird and wacky outfits. (Skeleton)

Error, god of Destruction. Glitches float carelessly around him. Doesn't like to be touched without warning. Tells mortals to destroy their creations and other things. Never seen in the mortal realm. (Skeleton)

Reaper, god of Death. Not much is known about him, the only thing being he Reaps deal souls traveling the mortal realm. Often seen in cemeteries or helping lost kids find their parents and singing lullabies, in a black cloak with a giant scythe. (Skeleton)

Lust, god of Temptation and Romance. Known to help mortals with relationships and when their partner is toxic. Tempts others also to meet certain people, can see if people are compatible. Visits the mortal realm a lot, often seen in a revealing outfit in clubs or bars.

Dust, god of Insanity. Believed to be the cause of murderers and serial killers, pictured as the voice inside your head you'd rather not listen to. Rarely seen in the mortal realm, often in sketchy clothing in alleyways.

Sci, god of Science and Experiments. Often hangs out with Logan and discusses science theories. Known to prefer to be alone or be with people he knows deeply. Seen often with Logan outside in sweaters and jeans. (Skeleton)

Bill, god of Demons and Manipulation. Often confused with Deceit, but his intentions benefit himself instead of for heroes. Only been seen once in the mortal realm, with golden blond hair and weirdly patterned clothing. (Human)

Pacifica, goddess of Redemption. She's the only female god, but one of the most important to humanity. Helps the ones seeking redemption in the mortal realm. Visits the mortal realm very often looking spoiled to teach mortals about judging people at first sight, with light blonde hair. (Human)


[Horror, Fell and Killer have no last name. Blue, Classic, Cross and Geno's last names are based on their creators]

Virgil Black, 21 year old male human. Friends with Roman Prince who drags him into random shit because he doesn't get out much. He's encountered a god when he was 16.

Roman King, 25 year old male human. He knows a lot of people and is friends with most, if not all, of them. Tries to help out his friends as much as he can. Has never encountered a god.

Remus King, a 25 year old male human. He also knows a lot of people and is known as the chaotic version of his brother, Roman. He's encountered a god once, it was when he was 5 years old.

Emile Picani, a 26 year old male human. Knows almost everyone in his city, with the nickname of "Dr Picani" as he often helped people with problems in their life and acts like a therapist. He has never encountered a god.

Cross Peñaloza, 24 year old male skeleton. Shares a soul with a human that's around 14 years old and is named Chara. He can summon knives and defends people that seem nice in his eyes. He has never encountered a god.

Killer, a 26 year old male skeleton. He's often been judged by others for his name but found a big group of people that trust him, despite the weird name. Used to get dreams where he would talk to a mysterious woman.

Geno CQ, a 28 year old male skeleton. He's often paranoid and anxious, only his friend Cross can get him out of his house. Often feels haunted by something or someone.

Horror, a 24 year old male skeleton. Had an accident with his friend when he was younger that got him a hole in his head, often talks to a random voice in his head when he's alone.

Blueberry Prince, a 21 year old male skeleton. Seems innocent, but will do anything for his friends. He's a very kind person but is extremely hyper. Always seems to get into dangerous situations.

Classic Fox, a 29 year old male skeleton. Lazy, tells puns and is careless but take away a friend or someone he cares about and he will literally or metaphorically kill you.

Fell, a 27 year old male skeleton. Seems mean, but is only trying to protect himself and others. He likes to take calming walks in parks but always looks tough and nobody aproaches him except friends.

Dipper Pines, a 21 year old male human. Loves researching about cryptids, legends, gods, demons, you name it, he's researched it. Gets weird dreams, has tried everything but hasn't gotten a normal dream since he turned 17.

Mabel Pines, a 21 year old female human. Very energetic, crazy and lovable. Has a ton of friends, and sometimes 'mom's them. When she was 16, she believes she's met Pacifica, the goddess of redemption.


So yeah! This is my new book and I literally thought of it today.

Again, I need help with my BillDip book, if you could help me with ideas for it because I want to continue it but I have no idea how.

I'll make sure to post updates on all the books, and will because Quarantine is a bitch and I have a lot of free time.


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