Prep Day 4: More Shopping

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(Geno's POV)

I was heading over to Emile's place. We had to buy a lot of things, and we may have overestimated how much we were going to be hurt.

We are getting bandages, Band-Aids, hydrogen peroxide, cotton balls, tweezers, and stress balls. Stress balls in case they need a distraction from the pain.

Cross had to convince me to go though, for 'The sake of the trip' is what he told me. Granted, neither Emile or Virgil were as organized as I was.

Emile is neat, but he says I take it too far. I just like cleanliness and organization.

As I turned a corner, I saw someone holding a child that had a bunny in their hands. They looked around, and headed in my direction.

When they got over to me, they asked me a question. It was if I knew where a certain family member, I guess was related to the child, lived.

I didn't, but asked him a question. "Who are you?". He tensed, and looked as if he tried to remember something.

"Rea- D-, Renrik. You can just call me Renrik." He stuttered out.

"Now I definitely know your Rea-" He shushed me before I could finish.

"Okay, Okay. You figured me out, now I must get going to find this little girl's parents-" Reaper was then interupted by the little girl.

"They are at my house, it has a red roof and its on*insert street*" They sniffled out.

Reaper smiled, and walked off. But, I grabbed his shoulder before he could get away.

"Wait! Could I have your number? Me and my friends are going on a quest to find the ancient library and we might need help, and you probably would know the way," I quickly said, maybe it was an excuse go get his number but whatever.

He smiled, and then asked for my phone. By some freaky magic, he unlocked it. He then put his number onto a contact and quickly texted so he could get mine.

He walked away and I walked over to Emile's house. He was staring at me when I walked in, so was Virgil.

"You just encountered the God of Death, and got his phone number. What. The. Hell. " Emile stated.

"Didn't know he was your type, but no shame in that Geno" Virgil snickered. My face is engulfed in blush.

"He is not my type! And if he was, your no better. I do remember you saying a certain other god was pretty hot" I teased back, making Virgil's face turn red.

"Anyways, come on! We gotta go" Emile dragged us out of his house and into his car. Virgil got the passengers seat while I sat in the back.

While he was driving, Reaper texted me. I was surprised he did, I thought he would've forgotten.

R - Hey, I'm bored.

G - Didn't you just see me like a couple of minutes ago?

R - I don't know, I have no concept of jejrjfbjedknr.

G - You okay bud?

R - Yes, someone tripped over their shoelaces and spilt acid on the ground and they bumped into me. This is why I don't wear shoes

G - I did not notice that

R - Well the only people that notice other's shoes are either awkward, always look at the ground or are weird

G - True

G - oh, gotta go. We reached the store

R - Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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