Prep Day 3: Buying

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(changed the ships, sorry)

(TW: Mentions of possible rape)

(Dipper's POV)
  I woke up to Mabel pouring whipped cream into my mouth and I choke when I get up.

  Killer's probably washing his face, Cross is watching My Hero Academia on the TV and Mabel is laughing her butt off.

  Then she helped me up after I stopped choking. She then started on breakfast as Killer walked back in the room.

  I don't think he realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt, he did have socks and navy blue jeans on, though. "Bud, did you forget something?" I asked.

  "No, someone didn't pack me any shirts. The only thing that covers my chest is a bunny hoodie Horror got for me when he found out I like bunnies" Killer glared sightly at Mabel.

  "Well you did the same to me! Except you only packed me crop tops and high waisted jeans for day clothes!" Mabel retorted.

  "You can borrow one of my shirts, you should know where my room is" I offered.

  "Thank you!" Killer ran off to my room. "Mabel, the food" I remind her and she runs off too.

  Killer comes back in an all black turtleneck. "The only bad thing is the sleeves, why do you even have flesh and skin?" He asked.

  "To survive Kills, we need flesh to move and skin to protect our flesh" I sigh. He shrugs and sits as Mabel calls for breakfast.

  "Y'know you could've asked one of us to help you" Cross said as Mabel smiled and replied, "Your guests, and Dipper can't cook to save his life".

  Then, we eat our food in comfortable silence. After, Mabel gets dressed and heads off to either Roman's or Blue's.

  Cross, Killer and I however just get our socks and shoes on and then headed out to the store.

  While we were out, Killer bumped into a guy. He instantly said sorry, but I felt like I knew him. Too bad he ran off after he said, "it's fine!".

  Well anyways, we got all our stuff we needed in the cart. Before we we got in line, I found a plush that caught my eye.

  It was a character from the cartoon Steven Universe, Peridot. I put it in the cart, and Killer noticed.

  "A plushie from a kid's cartoon?" He smirked and J responded, "That's rich coming from you, Bunny Boy!". Cross erupted with laughter and Killer put the plush down.

  "While Dipper gets the plush, you can pick out a thing too. I'm going to get a Pearl plush" Cross offered as Killer grabbed a Amethyst plush.

  "Now who grabs a kid's cartoon plush?" I teased as Killer stuck his tongue out at me. We payed for the items and we went to my house.

  After they got their things, I waved goodbye when they left. We decided to leave the water and stuff at my house.

(Blue's POV)

  Mabel just arrived at my house, now we're just waiting for Roman so we can head off to the store. Luckily, we heard a knock at the door.

  Roman was there, and we smiled as we headed off. We discussed food we wanted to make while we walked. We decided on making the typical road trip snacks and food, we also are going to buy specific bags with sections for each of our friends.

  Once we got there, we had to split up. I found some peanut butter, jam and pretzels when some random person came up to me and there was only one other person in the lane.

  "Hey cutie, how about we go back to my place and have some, fun~" he said with a flirty tone. I pretended not to see them, hoping they would just go away.

  But they didn't, instead they grabbed my left wrist and flirted with me again. They slightly dragged me away too.

  The other person was no farther than 4 feet away from me, I looked over to them for help secretly, and they hopefully saw.

  They walked over and gently dragged me away from the other person. "Excuse and but my are you bothering my partner?" They asked.

  The guy answered, "Because they happen to be adorable and much better off going with me". I rolled my eyes at that as the nicer person replied.

  "Well, they were obviously not liking whatever you were doing. Did your parents ever teach you manners? They are a human being with emotions, not some toy to fuck and leave alone in an alleyway".

  But the guy would not back off, "How do you know that? You dragged 'em off too!".

  "Yes, but I was way gentler than you. And they didn't seem disturbed and creeped out by what I did,". Then, Mabel walked around the corner.

  I looked to her and then the guy and she got the message. She walked behind him, grappling hook in hand.

  "If you don't back away from this lovely pair than I will shove this so far down your throat you'll be able to see the grapple come out of your ass" Mabel didn't cuss often, only in situations like this. And Mario Kart.

He then backed off, and once he was out of earshot Mabel put the grappling hook away.

  "Thank you for helping me, I don't know what I would've done at this point" I smiled towards the mystery person.

  "It's okay, by the way I'm Dust. Not the god, I just happen to look like him and have the same name".

  "I'm Blueberry! And this is my friend, Mabel!". We talk for a bit and get each other's phone numbers. Roman also arrives by this time.

  We look at our collective items and decide we are good. We are about to say goodbye when Mabel suddenly says, "Hey as a thank you, do you want to play some Mario Kart at Blue's house?".

  Dust accepts and Roman looks confused. "Thank him for what?".

  "Blue would've gotten raped if Dust hadn't stalled the guy" Mabel explains.

  Roman's face goes serious and walks over to Dust. "Thank you, for protecting our most innocent friend. Would you like a Blueberry Protection Squad shirt?".

  Dust chuckles at the last part and accepts. Roman than pulls a shirt out of his backpack and hands it to Dust.

(For some reason I keep writing Duet)

  Dust takes off his jacket, puts on the shirt and puts his jacket back on. We then start heading to my house.

  "Loser in Mario Kart has to eat a spoonful of wasabi!" Mabel yelled. Once we got there, we each got a controller.

  Dust was really good, you could tell he was trying but not as much as Mabel was. "Stop turning so much, it's messing you up! You have drift controls on!" Dust said to Roman.

  Then Mabel got blue shelled. "Fucking Toad!" She yelled. I snickered and shouted, "Dust quick get in first you need it to beat Mabel!".

  Dust was able to pull into first at the last second. I high fives him as Roman did his usual thing and slowly inched towards the finish line.

  We played two more games, I won one and Mabel won the other. Roman sulked as we all cheered him up. Then he had to eat wasabi.

  He was eating Ice Cream to cool down his mouth as Dust, Mabel and I packed the bags. But we kept cold things in the fridge.

  Then Dust had to leave, we all said goodbye as he walked off smiling.

(Dust's POV)

  As I turn a corner I teleport to the gods' living room. Patton and Reaper were sitting on the couch.

  "So, I think you met someone special?" Reaper teased, pointing at my shirt. My face flushed and I buried my face into my hood.

  "Maybe, but that's none of your business!" I yell.

  "I'm glad you found someone Dust," Patton smiled.

  "Thanks Pat,".

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