1:All It Takes Is One Choice Part 1

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Okay, I feel bad for not updating this book for... months. I suck for that but I have a reason... actually I don't. I'm sorry. For your forgiveness I gonna make this book (hopefully) one of my best. I hope y'all really enjoy the chapter.

Warning this book might consist of racism, violence and other bad stuff I can't think of.

Also I changed a bit of the story so... yeah.

I love y'all and God bless y'all.


Y/N's P.O.V

I flutter my eyes open to the sound of my alarm. I groan in annoyance then stretch my arm out and slam my hand on the alarm, shutting it off.

I close eyes as I stretch out every part of my body from my neck to my feet. I slowly sit while rubbing my eyes then got off my bed.

"Time for school." I muttered to myself as I walked out my room and into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

You must be wondering who am I and what's my story? Well, I'm Y/N Virgil Hawkins, I'm thirteen years old and I live in Dakota City with my dad and older sister. When I was eleven I lost my mother to an exchange of gunfire between gangs, she was a great doctor and mother. Her death almost ended our family if it wasn't for my sister whom decided to be the woman of the house. My sister was able to get my dad and I back to our feet. I'm currently in high school and... I guess that's it for now.

Timeskip(Thirty minutes later)

After taking a bath and putting on some lotion, I wore my black jeans, blue short sleeves shirt, a black jacket with two yellow stripes on the sleeves, black and blue sneakers, and a blue cap which I put on backwards. I walked up to the mirror and took a good look at myself.

 I walked up to the mirror and took a good look at myself

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"Eh... good enough." I muttered then grabbed my blue backpack and left my room, going downstairs.

I reached the bottom of the stairs then see my older sister...

 Sharon Hawkins watching some TV while enjoying her sandwich

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... Sharon Hawkins watching some TV while enjoying her sandwich.

"Hey." I greeted like I always do while she hummed in response.

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