Goodbye Virgil 😭

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Goodbye Jasper ~ Jasper In Deadland



•Character Death
•Jumping off a cliff
•Implied Murder
•Suicide reference

(Words: 1330)

The prince stood infront of Virgil. His dazzling smile and sparkling eyes sent butterflies zooming around in his stomach. For once a person with good looks didn't make him feel self confident about how he looked. Looking at the prince just made him happy.

The prince twirled the young man as he spoke, "I love you Virgil, do you love me?"

Virgil sighed as he was brought against the Prince's chest, "You're perfect, Roman. I don't deserve you. My life's just to messed up. This isn't even real, it's just a dream. I know because you'd never love me in the real world"

Before Roman could speak the world began to melt away around them. The prince froze then soon turned to dust with the rest of the dream. Virgil stood there looking sadly at the floor where there once used to be his crush. He closed his eyes.

When he opened them he was back in his small bedroom. He sat up from where he was laying in bed and ran a finger through his hair. The dream always ended once he'd realised what the truth was. He'd never get the boy he had feelings for. But what could you expect. A hot boy with a screw up like him. It was a miracle they were even friends.

He sighed into his hand and went to grabbed his phone from the nightstand. He switched it on to find three miss calls from Roman. Virgil clicked onto the most recent voicemail and played it.

"Hey it's Roman, we need to talk about something important... Just come to our cliff... I wish you would just pick up" Roman's voice came from the phone, he sounded worried.

Virgil checked the time that it was sent. 22:57. He then checked the current time. 23:34. The teen squeeked in panic as he jumped out of bed. Roman was probably waiting for him at the cliff right now.

The emo quickly threw on some clothes and silently snuck out of his parent's house. He ran towards the cliff that the two had spent most of their time after school together at. It was quite a far run for someone who had just woken up a few minutes prior. But he didn't care. He had to find out what was troubling Roman.

"Roman!" He called out as he started to walk up the cliff, "I'm here. I'm sorry I missed your calls I was sleeping... Roman!"

Once he got to the top of the cliff he saw it. Roman's school rug sack and his clothes neatly folded next to it. The clothes were stained in blood. A scared cry escaped his lips as he ran towards the stuff and knelt down beside it.

"Roman? Roman? This isn't just some prank is it? Roman please! Roman?" Virgil called out to the violent winds blowing around him.

He looked up towards the edge of the cliff were a puddle of dried up blood that stained the grass. This wasn't a prank. Had Roman... No he wouldn't. He wouldn't of drown from a fall from this height. He'd jumped from here before had been perfectly fine. And why were his clothes here. Soaked in blood...

Virgil darted up and stood over the edge of the cliff looking down. There was no sign that anything had happened. The waved crashed furiously at the rocks as the wind blew loudly. A bad storm was surely approaching.

A big gust of wind blew against him almost throwing him off the cliff. He stumbled as he tried to regain his balance. The rocks under his feet collapsed and his feet followed. He screamed as the air flew past him. He's going to die.

He closed his eyes tightly has he wrapped his arms around himself waiting for impact. But it never came. Virgil slowly open his eyes and realised he wasn't falling anymore. And he wasn't at the cliff anymore. No, he was in an endless black abise. His body was still floating in the air.

"What the hell is happening" Virgil exclaimed

"Virgil you're falling" A unfamiliar women's voice answered, "And as you fall into this mythical world, your life will flash before your eyes"

"Where's Roman" He called out as he held onto his hoodie tightly.

More voices appeared and spoke at once, "Now Virgil, you will see your most important memories of you and Roman."

The gravity around his body appeared again and he slammed into the ground. He cried out in pain. Virgil's body shook as he looked around.

"The day you met..." The voice said.

Colour filled the abise and it turned into the highschool hallway were Roman's locker was and infront of where Virgil sat was a younger version of the man himself. He had his locker open as he put books inside it. Soon a younger version of himself walked over and awkwardly coughed to try and get Roman's attention.

"Oh um hi my names Virgil... I'm new and the kids over there said you'd be able to help me find my class. They um... Said we had the same class" The younger version of Virgil stuttered.

The younger version of Roman smiled down at the boy, "Of course I can! I like you, let's be friends! Now come on let's get to class!" He exclaimed as he took the younger Virgil's hand and led him down the hallway.

The scene disappeared and changed to the cliff. Virgil remembered it. It was a year after they first met. Roman was stood at the edge of the cliff with his hand extended out to a younger Virgil looking at him as if he was crazy. So how you'd normally look at him.

Roman chuckled, "Come on V, jump in with me. It's not that high. Like thirty metres at most. Just once!"

The younger Virgil shoke his head, "Nice try but I think I'll just stay alive on the ground"

Roman rolled his eyes as he extended his arms out in a "T" position. He took two steps back toward the edge then leaned back. As he did the ground underneath the real Virgil disappeared and he fell. He dropped into cold black water. He inhaled some water as he coughed in surprise.

A warm hand grabbed the front of his hoodie and pulled him out of the water. His make up was runny and his hair was stuck to his face. He looked to see Roman looking down at him smiling reassuringly. He was wearing the clothes from before but without the blood. Roman pulled Virgil into a hug and spoke into his ear.

"Let's change things. From this moment on, we will do it right, you and me. We'll be the first to make it happen. It has to start somewhere, why not tonight?" Roman said.

Virgil held onto him tighter and nodded into his chest. He couldn't find the breath to speak.

"But he couldn't love you" Roman said more threateningly.

He pulled away and reaveled his usual baby blue eyes to now be bright yellow with black slits in them. Virgil's breath caught in his throat as he looked up.

"And now he's gone" The fake Roman pushed Virgil down making him land on his butt into the water which only came to his waist now, "What's done can not be undone"

"No! No there has to be another way" Virgil pleaded causing the fake Roman to roll his eyes, "I can't lose him... I'm going to find him!"

The fake Roman looked down at him and smirked devilishly, "Good Luck!"

The ground underneath Virgil broke and he fell through it. He slammed into the floor under him and cried out in pain. He sat up and looked up.

Infront of him was a door...

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